me be scared real scared..what do i do about this?

me went out to do me shopin at walmart an me needed some nice topical undie wears because me otha have holes in da crotch mes a big bootied woman so me lookin for da bigger sizes.i get to da store,n me be real hot n sweaty lookin for me undie wear,n finnally me be findin only one couple left but de packet was adjectives messed up,so me be kinda not wantin to buy it but me needed it real bleak,so me bought it,so today me be gettin da dressed n me put me new undie wear on n mes about to step inside and their be big pubs hackle a stickin from da cotton be real panicky that nother woman stuck her p__cy in me protected to wear,or me be getting some germs from dis?

Got a doc appointment next week, am i loosing my mind?

So I see that yahoo pissed you stale...points for the creativity. A little racist, but creative comeback.

Birth control pills?

I'll pray Pray PRAAAAAY for you

Is it possible to forget you have a tampon inside you.?

good grief, go to category school

Do you mull over this is possible..?

I would take it put money on and return it. Tell them what happened but DONT wear them!!

What is the difference between fibrin and fibrous density, referring to a mammogram? must be playing around

Do u know about Bras?

please refer to yourself as I or myself, not "me". It what complicated to read all those "me's". you shouldn't enjoy bought it, but you can try and take them backbone.

Im single, not been sexually alive for 18 months - and my urges are now gone - why is this?

You want a brief i think.

Has anyone used an IUD beforehand, how do i stop the pain?

I dont know what to right to be heard to this.just throw them out. oh and.swot up English~~~

Please help me on this?

you shouldnt brought them subsequent time go to another store

If you enjoy been told you enjoy ovarian cysts.?

WOW. I think you already know the answer to this press. If your hair is not within them, why would you want them.not only that, look subsequent time before buying them.regardless to which, I would to some extent be holy then, adjectives messed up from some other persons underwear.

i enjoy red and purple lines on my thighs, what are they?

Go ahead and wear them..and then return them.

what is the explanation?

O.K. Is This For Real LMAO

Why am I wet adjectives the time I keep have liquid emerge out of my vagina. like I'm a virgin?

dont where on earth and take put money on to store and complain and get a repayment


Just take out the other lardass' pubic spike. Wash your new panties. And, wear them.

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