how do i get rid of the rash i have under my arms from using the wrong soap/deoderant for years?

i have s brown unwary right above the armpits on both my arms from the deoderant and soap i used for do i get rid of it!?!?

whats is the difference?

Go to the doctor! they can pass you a cream to put on for 7 to 10 days it will get rid of it. i am allergic to 2 types of deoderant also and i have to learn the unyielding way lol but the doc can dispense you a cream and then stop using the things your alergic too! biddable luck


Could be more than a rash.
It could be a fungus
Go to the dermatologist and catch a prescrition cream.
that'll get rid of it.

Girls with the sole purpose!?

Well first,, stop using the soap/deoderant.
Then you might try an absorbant type of body powder to help near any discomfort.

I cant stop cramping up every ware! whats wrong with me?

you hold sensitive skin. see a dermatoligist. i have sensitive skin too, really bleak on my legs, and he'll give you this lotion stuff that works resembling magic.

if you're chitchat about resembling a scar..afterwards it should fade, just dont mark it) you get bright layers of skin every 7 years..(i know. thats a long wait)

and its really high-status to get sun on it too. the rays relief heal rashes/cuts anything.

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Use some medicated powder regularly.

Help again?

use intuitive deoderant trust me.
it looks like rime but it is not it is like a transparent rock that looks similar to ice.

sometimes if you buy it doesnt comes next to a smooth surface you must buy something to mak the surface smooth.

Birth Control question?

Try to use alcohol to verbs your armpits one or 2 times a day. If you don't approaching the smell or you worry it might burn, later mix it with small amount of sea on a cotton before cleaning the nouns. And this way, can also lend a hand you to stop bad smell from your armpits. It work pretty accurate, my boy-friend had duplicate problem before, but presently is got. Trust me is not the soap you use, is the wrong deodorant. You should switch to a different one, don't get no brand one any more. Try Dove, they are pretty flawless.

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