Whats that achy pain? Please help.?

Ok so I am 15, i have be swimming this morning, and on my right arm just outside of my armpit and above my breast i enjoy this horrible achy feeling when i breathe surrounded by. Is it to do with my swimming? I never usually own this. Is their any way to stop it? It have only a short time ago started. Thanks.

Do you believe in Masturbating?

It sounds approaching a lymph node they are under your armpit also if its time to start your time you could have swelling close at hand your breasts you could have pulled a muscle if it occured while swimming apply steam for 15 minute 3 times a day and lift ibuproferen for swelling soak in Epson salt when you go for a dip see if that helps
Good luck

What do menopause miserable?

You might be having a nouns attack due to stress. If it doesn't go away surrounded by the next partially hour orhour, then shift see a doctor immediately. I don't ruminate it would be from swimming, maybe from how much it works your body while swimming and your lungs. Tell your mom and if it doesn't budge away or gets worse jump see a doctor immediately.

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