What is the ungest age that u can take birht control?


Ok ladies, I need your warning please?

Technically as soon as you start menstruating. However, usually under 16 year olds stipulation parental permission. (This change depending on your state/country.)

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when you can start having babies.

Females solely please??

I would imagine as soon as you start your menstrual cycle.

Egg Donating?

If you're too childish to spell "youngest" and "birth" than you're too young for birth control.
But I've heard of girls as immature as 15 and 16 being on the pill but that's something you should embezzle up with your gynocologist.

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Well, considering how you spell, I don`t know you should at least finish middle conservatory first.

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Obviously next to the way you type. You are too babyish for birth control.

I think 18 is a polite age.

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Now this depends. I own some family member that started young but not for purposes of not getting pregnant as much as hormonal reason.
My aunt for instance had alarming trouble with her term and going on the bill regulated it to give her the nouns she needed. I remember she said she was 14 at the time.
She didn't become sexually involved till a few yrs later. For her, that worked out better to own hormones more balanced.

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I would utter when you can spell correctly. I don't know why kids are in such a hurry to grow up and enjoy adult relationships where on earth sex in involved. Geez, you'll draw from there soon ample. Just enjoy anyone a kid - you'll wonder why you didn't when you are a bit older.

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Dang... folks don't want to cut you much slack do they?

If you're beneath 16, there may be lawful considerations as well as unusual effects on your body. You really entail a doctor or OB/Gyn nurse to help you prefer if it's right for you. Hormonal treatments are tricky at the best of times, and right now you own lots of extra natural hormones running around.

Pregnancy can be extremely rugged on a girl in her teens. Disease can be even rougher. Consider those since becoming sexually active. If you do budge on birth control and become sexually active, please please please still insist that your partner wear a condom. Sex is great, BUT your body merely might not be ready for some of the cynical consequences... Please be very vigilant.
Best wishes,
Ed, RN

Have you tried a "chillow" (pillow.) ? Would you reccommend it?

I hope that was a approaching a typo or something..but anyways when you start your period your eligible to be on birth control. but you should totally discuss to a doctor and friend and/or family associate. find out the pros and cons of you being on birth control because we adjectives have different bodies so you could hold some side effects that a friend doesn't have. Also consider that some hospitals and clinics require you to own someone 18 or older green light

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