Do i have anything to worry about with my periods?

I suffer from Polysistic Overy Syndrom and my periods are the most regular within the world, but this month they were single a day tardy which was a surprise and as regular it is very throbbing and i get really big clots. I in recent times wanted to know if in that was anything to verbs about, as some of the clots are really big and i can consistency then coming out. god that sounds obnoxious, sorry to be so descript.

What dose it mean.?

Clots that are quarter sized or smaller are not to verbs much about. Bigger than that, and golf bubble size, are worrisome, and so is excessive bleeding. If any of this sounds like you, walk to an ER tonight. If not, you are probably allright.

Is there any mode to make my interval end quicker?

You, probably don't hold anything to worry roughly since it came a time late...but you should capture something from your doc for the period discomfort.

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