does anyone knows what is the cause of person having alzheimer's disease?

good points for the best answer.

Monthly period delayed for a month and took pregnancy examination and got result of gloomy..? am confused.?

I believe that part of the brain deteriorates and fail to function normally, which is why surrounded by the late stages inhabitants are unable to function, or control their body movement.

Does have a uti and fingring your self cause?

the genuine answer is we don't really know yet.

I wear a tamon. but i enjoy a serious question?

something call amyloids? builds up in the brain cause the nerves to malfunction. My dad have it, I've got books on it but I bring back really depressed when I try to read about it. A lot is still speculation as to what cause the build up.

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Everything you want to know going on for alzheimers.

I have have my grandma and aunt die soon after getting it -they were both over 74 yrs out-of-date. The brain mis-fires and they forget things like your moniker, then in the future the brain forgets to tell the heart to pulsate.

Pregnancy test results?

Build up of plaques made of tau protein in the brain.

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Not an expert but I used to work contained by a geriatric shrink's office. Basically, all forms of dementia (including possible Jacob-Croitzfelt patients) are diagnosed near Alzheimer's'. I take it to be a big cover-up career when the shrinks either A) don't know, don't keeping or B) find a specific dementia too hard to diagnose. Pretty doleful commentary on the shrink-profession.

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I own a brother who at the age of 55 developed Alzheimer's Disease and not is in full AD. He is solitary 62 years old.

Well here are the lastest studies that make available reasons of cause of AD.

What are the causes of Alzheimer's disease?

With the exception of bloody cases of familial AD, in whom the disease is cause by mutations (changes in the DNA) of a single gene, most cases of AD are probably cause by a variety of factor acting together. Cases without a relatives history are called "sporadic." The study of familial AD, however, have uncovered several proteins that are not only meaningful for familial, but also for sporadic AD. These are the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and two presenilins. APP is a major component of plaques (abnormal deposits of proteins in the brain).

The break-down (faulty cleavage) of APPs feasible increases their propensity to combine (aggregate) in plaques. Presenilins, on the other hand, are involved in the splitting (cleavage) of APP. Mutations in the genes that encode APPs and the presenilins can incentive AD. This means that individuals carrying these mutations hold a very dignified probability of developing AD.

Changes in other genes may not cause AD, but they may increase the risk of developing AD. The best-studied "risk" gene is the one that encodes apolipoprotein E (apoE). Certain forms (alleles) of this gene can increase the risk for AD. This effect is outstandingly striking in the setting of a positive family history for AD.

The apoE gene have three different forms (alleles) -- apoE2, apoE3, and apoE4. ApoE3 is the most common form within the general population. However, apoE4 occur in approximately 40 % of adjectives late-onset AD patients. People who inherit two apoE4 alleles (one from the mother and one from the father) are several times more likely to develop AD than those who own two of the more common E3 reworked copy. The least adjectives allele, E2, lowers the risk of AD. People with one E2 and one E3 gene own only one-fourth the risk of developing Alzheimer's as do populace with two E3 genes.

Since the 1970's, abnormality in the brain's chemical messengers, call neurotransmitters, have be identified in patients near AD. Acetylcholine is a critical neurotransmitter in the process of forming memories. This chemical messenger is abundant within the nerve cell of the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, the regions that are devastated by AD. Levels of acetylcholine dive sharply in inhabitants with AD. Other neurotransmitters enjoy also been implicated within AD. For example, serotonin, somatostatin, and noradrenaline levels are lower than typical in some Alzheimer's patients. Deficits contained by these substances may contribute to the memory and behavioral abnormalities within AD.

In addition to the specified risk factors of age and own flesh and blood history, several other possible risk factors hold been identified. Some studies enjoy found that AD occurs more recurrently among people who suffered traumatic principal injuries earlier surrounded by life. Women may hold a higher risk of the disease, although their sophisticated rates may only emulate the effects of age, because women have longer vivacity spans on average than do men. In addition, lower tutorial levels may increase the risk. It is not know whether this reflect a decreased "cognitive reserve" or other factor associated with a lower intellectual level.

I believe he developed the AD from a grim automoble accident he be in, as he use to drink abundantly and he was drunk at the time. It doesn't influence it in the report but alcohol plays a factor contained by it too. (Personal Opinion)
Hope this helps. Good Luck

Orasure Vs. Blood audition.? taken a day apart, orasure come out negative, will the other be also?

Scientists aren't really sure even so. There are a few things we do know.

One, it can be hereditary. There is a blood assessment which you can take, to establish whether you've adjectives the gene. But even if you inherit the gene, you may not get the disease, and vice versa.

Two, in attendance are things you can do which seem to protect against the disease. One, get sure you have satisfactory folate in your diet. Two, keep hold of your brain active by doing puzzles (Sudoku, crosswords). An distraction which challenges your brain and your body together is even better, for instance research to dance or play the piano.

Tea, coffee, alcohol and fish grease have adjectives been shown to be preventative within some trials but more trials are needed.

I had sex next to a girl..?

Altzheimer's disease is a degenerative condition which affects the cells of the brain and cause impaired intellectual functioning. The effect of it is still UNKNOWN but it is shown to be genetically linked. The brain of an altzheimer's long-suffering have plaques contained by the cortex and a tangled mass of non-functioning neurons. This cause a decrease contained by the brain size. Thus creating dementia.
There is a link between this disease and increased level plasma homocysteine ( imple amino acid). The levels can be reduced by ingestion food high within folic acid, such as green leafy veggies and fruits. Vitamin B12 have also reduced the symptoms of altzheimers, especially when combined with folic bitter.

Very personal question to ask..?

" Alzheimer's Disease, is cause by improper, and denatured, dietary protein ingestion. ( inert; (animal) protein excess )

Also, a complete absence of proper glial physiology, pertaining to microglia, and neuroglia homeostasis. ( Support Tissues )

The oxidation of Brain Polyunsaturated Specific Fats and Oils, are responsible for
correct anabolic, neuronal condition. ( Support Tissues, (Neuroglia)
Number, 50 to 1 )

This being denied, will produce toxic mucoids, and tangle, derived from the catabolism of dead ptomaine producing animal flesh.
(Amyloid Deposits )
( Cholesterol, Oxygen,
and Sugar Starved Molecules of de-differentiation )

The correct nouns to neuronal health, will come from the primary adherence to correct Basic Neurochemistry.

In the non-attendance of this; dementia's of all kind will manifest themselves; and completely destroy adjectives short term memory components.; thus manifest Alzheimer's Portrayal.

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There is an overabundance of a substance known as amyloid plaque which builds up within the brain and kills the brain cell in a considerate of strangulation. Those strangled cells form "tangles" which mete out more cells to die because they can't communicate. It's vitally a downward spiral.
What causes the plaque is what they don't know.
Keeping your brain really active delay the visible birth because you've got more stirring connections and it will take longer to for you to be impair.
Right now research seem to be focused on finding the cause of the extra plaque, finding how to verbs it, and early detection of Alzheimer's before cognitive functioning is lost.
I post information on hot research on my blog and also what it's like to live beside someone who has AD (my dad).
BTW, AD is not cause by aluminum.

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