Have you had an Abortion?

Who has have an abortion? How did you feel? Did it hurt? Do you regret it? Which method did you choose? Which is the best method?

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i had 1 wen i be 16, took a tablet, it didnt hurt but i do regret now as everyone tell me i wud be a great mother

HELPpergnent and want to get rid of it !?

god said thow shall not murder so u just or would killl the tot

Ok i have tap class tomorrow and?

I had one when I be 16. I am 37 now and regret it more very soon than I did then.
Abortion is flat out murder. Why punish an innocent duration for mistakes made by a "rational" human being?
I still live beside my bad choice day after day.
Thank God I was blessed various years later beside a beautiful son and another one on the mode now.

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im a guy but if i was a women i wouldnt do its wrong..god sad u shawl not snuff out a baby..unless u want to move about to hell...or please wear a condom

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not for anything, but these are not the kind of questions you should ask complete strangers.
that choice is one of the most personal decision anyone can make, adn some don't even detail their families, why would they give an account you

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I enjoy. It is painful. I be 5 weeks gestation and I had surgery to remove the embryo/fetus. I do not regret it, because I know it be the best choice for me at the time. But would never do it again. I think surgery is the best choice because the pill, RU-486, can sometimes give notice remains in there and you'd own to get a D&C to remove it.

I call for help please. i keep hold of feeling?

Hurt, grieveful, utterly lost and time heals but you never forget. If I have to do it over again, I would never do it.
No "best method".
My 15 yr old step daughter asked me for $1400. to comfort pay for a partial birth abortion, and I refuse. She delivered a 3 lb babe girl within days of this request and I am so glad I prompted her not to do it.

Ladies--how many days does your time last?

I regard the first guy is wrong. You have an abortion earlier the baby is even slightly developed. So myou wouldnt be massacre the baby, you're taking out the embryo.

Why do women hold periods and men don't own nothing thats not rational?

I said "NO!".
He said "To Bad!"

Three weeks later a pregnancy interview came vertebrae positive.

I don't regret my decision, but that doesn't denote it still dosen't hurt.

Please do what is right you YOU.

I would NOT have one freshly because I had sex beside out protection and "accidently" got pregnant.
Its NOT a form of birth control!

Has anyone that have taken the BC shot bled for more than 2 weeks?

i didnt but my best friend did. she used the vacum method where they suck the tot out. she kind of regrets it but at alike time she is ok because she couldnt have it cuz she is single 19 years old. she did it here surrounded by miami. fl in an abortion clinic. its be like $500 and it one and only took about 30 minutes.

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i be 17 when i got pregnant and a senior within hs planning on going to college the following fall. I seriously considered it so . I settled to keep the child. As I write this, 4 years latter, she is cracking up while she is playing and making me smile so BIG. Oh yeah I am graduating from college on May 12 and will own two degrees! (of course I have lots of family support) .

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first of adjectives you shouldn't me think roughly things like that any path cause to be precise one of the ten commandments thall shall not kill and if you thinking in the region of it your going to hell cause explicitly an innocent child you are trying to kill an its done anything to you if you know you was ill-equipped then why lay down within the first place to make it com-man scence my lil sister know that and she's solely 7

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Abortions do hurt some folks. It is similar to the cramps you suffer when having a babe-in-arms. Many are put to sleep for it, while some stay awake.(Those that can tolerate the pain, and it is smaller amount expensive.) Psychologically it is something that you will regret later.

I believe most associates use the Suction method for this, but I feel that inhabitants should really give this some thought, if they are thinking in the order of it. I know some people get the impression desperate in that situation, but deduce about giving the child to a loving home. I feel anyone should also talk to their medical doctor previously making this decision, because hemorrhaging can come to pass after one. They can be dangerous.


As for the men who are answering these question, stay out of it... this is her body and her choice. What if someday you 14 yr old daughter get pregnant. do u want her to raise a tot when she is still a baby. All of the women who are answering rudely and anyone awful... you should be ashamed and i am ashamed to be a women when i read these answers from other ladies. abortion may be wrong in your eyes but it is not ur body, ur energy, or ur choice so leave ur rude comments to urself. I am sensitive this little girl is asking for guidence. u really think this 14 yr dated should raise a child when she is a child herself? THink in the order of it put urself in her shoes because i guarntee that a majority of u who are running ur mouth would choose to enjoy an abortion at 14 if you got pregnant. Have some respect for others. If u dont own anything nice or positive to say, after keep ur mouth shut.

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I own never had an abortion, but any women's clinic who perform legal abortions can aid you decide on the best method to abort an unwanted pregnancy. There's the morning after pill, RU486 (which is a set of expensive pills), and next there's medical abortion which requires a brief "surgery."

The method you choose will depend on how far along you are surrounded by the pregnancy. For instance, one of my local clinics will let you use RU486 for up to seven weeks. They do medical abortions up to seventeen weeks. Price can also be a factor.

Best article to do is call your local women's clinic, set up an appointment, and discuss adjectives of your options beside a doctor or nurse. They can help you.

Although abortion is (obviously) a touchy subject, PLEASE remember that doesn`t matter what decision is right for YOU is the best and right outcome. Don't let ANYbody tell you out of or into something you don't want. Your life, your body.

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Silent No More Awareness is a Campaign whereby Christians trademark the public aware of the devastation abortion brings to women and men. The campaign seek to expose and heal the inscrutability and silence surrounding the emotional and physical misery of abortion.


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PROLIFE Across AMERICA's Hot flash..1-800-366-7773
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