I occasionaly get a sensitive painfull intuition down the left side of my obverse, up into my skull.?
Is it possible to still enjoy an IUD in place in need being competent to feel the strings?
Sounds similar to a cluster headache or TMJ (temporomandibular joint syndrome).
A neurologist can confirm headache/migraine, and
some dentists specialize in TMJ.
Sorry you're going through so much misery.
How can feminine prolong sex for herself?
Go to the doctor maybe?maybe, it is a migraine but you have to see a neurologist to
be sure.
How come girls obtain UTIs from having sex and guys don't take anything?
OxyContin and hydrocodone.Skull is teeth... see a dentist. Ear is brain: see the ear, nose, throat, drainage experts. Throat does not relate economically to skull pain. 99% of permeate pain surrounded by the "skull", see your dentist for a more permanent fix.
No, I'm not a doctor of sorts.
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