Why in some countries,CPR were not performed on a woman in labour?

Complications can occur during childbirth and sometimes administering CPR is decisive to save both lives of mother and her child whenever it's basic.This effort is routine in hospitals around United States.Yet why some nation mostly applied CPR on the child only and reluctlant to do so on the dying mother.Was it because the equipment for resuscitating the mother is underprovided?Is it because most of the physicians in some countries simply lost hope on the mother believing she would eventually died eventually even if resuscitation is successful?Can some sort of local belives taboos played a roll reluctlantcy for any attempt to revive the mother who is technically inert?

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I live in the United States, and as you said, we do preform CPR on pregnant women. There is no medical basis (that I am aware of) to not preform CPR on a pregnant woman. Even if the CPR does not bring the mother back it may preserve the fetus viable untill an emergency c-section can be preformed.

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