I soaking a super tampon every half hour dangerous?

I am bleeding so heavy that I am soaking a super tampon every partially hour. I am concerned.should I be?

Vagina lip swollen on inner bottom by hole. just on one spot extraordinarily puffy round ball.?

you should budge to the er!
this happened to me but i didn't know that i should enjoy gone to the hospital. i called my doctor the time after i was bleeding so indigestible and she said i should have gone to the emergency room

Period problems.?

Yes, to be exact way too much. You call for to see a gyno.

Too much bleeding could mean several things, the most adjectives of which is endometriosis. Whatever it is, you need to see a doctor.

I am experiencing a difficulty burping and my throat and esphagus feel clogged. What could it be?

Oh yeah I would be. Call your Gyne like presently. You may have be pregnant and are miscarrying.

Do birth control pills really work?

you should be at the gyno/ER.

How does the fluid which is released in males and females smell and an they be distinguished?

Yes you should be concerned, especially if you don't normally bleed that much. A sort of things can cause this, and it never hurts to obtain checked out. I have a bleeding disorder and wasn't aware of it until I started bleeding heavily in matching way you are describing. Not to terrify you with the word, but cancer can also create that. That doesn't mean you hold it, but I recently relapsed into cervical cancer and i.e. one of the signs I was told to look for after my surgery two years ago and sure adequate I am experiencing it (among other symptoms) and have it again. When your body change the way it's acting it money that, well, something have changed. Get on the phone to make an appointment near your doctor or gyno instead of posting, it will prove more effective. Hope everything works out!

How do you get hold of rid of Period Pain?

Well, I have to vote different than the other answers. We all enjoy heavier days or periods. I be going threw a tampon and pad every 15 min. It happen only one month and I be told that my body was only just trying to clean itself out. IF your are concerned, consequently yes I would call your doc and see what they speak. But if it was me I wouldn't verbs. I have have one to many starchy periods and I DON'T own endometriosis.

another p.m.s. question?

and use pad.

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