I need help please. i keep feeling...?

a deep gaping pain inside my tummy that burns for in the order of 5-6 seconds every 5 or so minutes. when i meander i feel this tremendous pressure within my head that feel like my principal will explode the more i keep walking. this have been going on in a minute for like4-5 months now and near it i also experience slight coughing. the coughing use to be really bad but next to time it isn't as bad presently...but it's still there. please can somebody assist me figure this out. i know i should be in motion to the doctor but i'm really scared to shift. its really silly of me, i know, but i'm still scared. if in attendance is a doctor out there who read this please help me to own an idea of what this might be a sign of for me. i suppose if i can hear from someone here it will help me to be strong ample to go to the doctor no issue how frightened i am to go. thank you to whoever help me. i really do appreciate your time in helping me. :)

Has anyone every have brusing on the legs?

You may have a urinary tract infection. Call your doctor straight away and tell her/him that you reason that is what you may hold. They should be able to see you right away, because i.e. an emergency, and verify what's making you feel that passageway, and get you on anti-biotics right away if that's what you stipulation. You have to goright away, because the infection could spread into your kidneys and after through your whole system. Well, what are you waiting for, snatch the phone and call!

Well girls serve me out here?

If this is going on for that long then you may want to pinch a pragnancy test and consequently if it negative later get to the doctor right away. Good luck!

Pain during intercourse. . .?

I don't indicate to preach, I'm just trying to give a hand :)

Although you may be afraid, you must seek professional medical give a hand. Even if someone online is able to diagnose your ailment, you would still own to see your doctor to get the treatment. So don't consume your time trying to self-diagnosis, because it will only rationale you more stress and fear and you markedly don't want that. Let a doctor diagnose and treat your problem once and for all. The longer you linger to go to the doctor, the worse you risk allowing the situation to become. Medical workers are in that to help you, they thought about your capably being. With that said, I hope that you are competent to visit a doctor and that you carry well soon!

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