Ladies, what can I do to make my period come sooner or later than it usually comes? (My wedding is coming up)


I'm 14 yrs. old and I'm 5'4 and weigh roughly 160, is that overweight? Read the details below!?

ask your doctor to be sure, but most people I know purely take a second pack of the birth control they are on. ASK your DR to be sure!

Missing your interval is not the best thing to do, so with the sole purpose do it this one time for your wedding. I totally realize not wanting your period when you are getting married:

white dress
possible first time one intimate
perhaps one is going on a cruise to a tropical beach

Have fun and congrats to you!

My moved out leg swells, why?

If you get birth control, after you can change it.You may also want to receive it just end in your getting married.

If a girl has facial coat usually the cause is too much testosterone?

shove things up your vagina... the appendage.

Have you ever had a colposcopy?

when u find out permit me know
I have be trying to find the on/off button for years

Is it normal to hold a period every 6 or 7 weeks??

Nothing, It comes when it requests and when nature call

Girls, What are ur measurements?

Are you on the pill? Skip the placebo pills you take when you're on your time and move straight to a new pack. You'll skip your term.

the black dahlia?

Talk to your Gynecologist, he/she can prescribe you the birth control pill (seasonale) that will only cause you ovulate 4 times a year... She'll be able to plan near you how and when to take them.

With use of the standard birth-control pills, a woman take the pill for 21 days and a placebo for seven days to have her time. To decrease term frequency. she can simply skip the placebo week and take the subsequent three-week supply.

Seasonale, which was introduced in 2003, is taken for 12 weeks beside one break for a period every three months. Lybrel, which can be taken indefinitely, and a contemporary implanted contraceptive, Implanon, stop menstruation for most women for 12 months.

The NuvaRing, a vaginal ring, or the birth control patch Ortho Evra can be manipulated to suppress menstruation if a woman replaces them every three weeks instead of following the usual practice of removing them a week to allow for a extent.

I have a swollen limfnode on the right side of my d??colletage. No other symtoms are present.?

I don't think in that is a way for that to come, and anyways, any of those things are NOT natural for a period. I hope you're celebratory is great and you have a delighted life near you're new husband.

I freshly had a breast reductionanyone on hre own one if so how long did it take you to get better?

don't schedule you marriage ceremony around the time of your period HELLO!!?!?!

girls, u ever sweat underneath your tit*ies?

ask your doctor, birth control can revision it or make it worse?

whats a moral heart rate at rest for someone taking bisoprolol?

depends how much time you have surrounded by advance... birth control is the with the sole purpose option I believe

Help me please?

take borth control.or travel to ur local family Planning place and ask them... Good Luck



Have a great time with ur Husband/Wife-to be

If a condom broke could seman bestow it the illusion that it resealed itself?

the best piece u can do is take birth control...u cant really control ur time of year..

This baby curvy won't go away !?

birth control pills, but you should definitly be on them for months ahead of time first.. and definitly agree to your OB first, they can really whack your body if you just start them presently, and your wedding is for example subsequent month.
It may be worth it to not get on them produce you may gain weight

How do i shave my pu$$y lacking getting cut?

try exercising your abs, by doing sit-ups, and drinking plenty of water or if you drink liquor, drink some beer, might comfort.have a lovely matrimony

Has anyone had a breast moderation? Can you give me some counsel or feedback?

I don't think nearby is anything you can do to make it changeover unless your on birth control than you can start a new pack when your supposed to be have a period or when your supposed to be taking your iron pills, so you will skip your spell, just don't do that alot.

I'm 39 and experiencing thickset long periods and shorter cyles. Suggestions as to why?

A friend of mine told me she drinks vinegar and it make her period unbelievably light, similar to spotting. Ive never done this myself but you can try it.

Has anybody heard of Anal Bleaching?

Besides getting on the pill, at hand's nothing you can do.

If you're concerned more or less having your length on your wedding darkness, I recommend using a product called Instead SoftCups. Among the observable advantage of extended time of year control (it can be used for up to 12 hours at a time), it touts "clean sex."

There is this "lady" at work that everybody hate. She's mean for no function & she stinks like hell?

It depends on your stress smooth. Stress will either bring in it come on soon or postpone it a little. But who wishes to be stress out all the time? I'm sure you don't next to your wedding comming up, I'm pretty sure you're stressed out plenty. I would go on the nuva ring or draw from the mirena iud. That should work. Also go to the robustness food store or google and their might be some herbs that can relief surpress it. Just make sure if you do, you post it somewhere so adjectives us women in here can know.

Is nearby anyway to stop your period once?

well girl congrats! & flawless luck. i dont think theres a route, but when i was gonna procure married i was gonna gain my period also. the point is that i didnt get it until a few days after tha honeymoon. my mother said it be stress that made it come later than usual

Can I be pregnant?

In UK, we prescribe medication call nor-ethisterone which is a hormone but not a birth control pill, This medication is commonly used to delay period for such a thing as okay as going on holidays or exams.
If you do not want to fall pregnant at same time, next your best bet is to start on Contraceptive pill(Birth control pill) but if you are bothered about getting pregnant or not, later consider nor-ethisterone 5 mg tablets taken three times a day, from a week up to that time your periods are due. You have need of to see GP in UK to find such medication prescribed.

anyone on depo-provera birthcontrol longer than 5 years?

Ive heard drinking citrus fruit will delay it, but i dont know.

Could i b preg?

why dont you only just replan ur wedding till b4 or after that time of the month? b/c ur probly gonna "seize busy" with ur husband as soon as the marriage bells stop so i would suggest just re-schedule it to a more convienent time contained by the month b/c birth control pills can be harmful & hold lasting affects & adjectives the natural remidies ppl hold there is no gaurantee that they will work when the big marriage day comes so i surmise planning a different day would be best economically great luck & have a sunny marriage

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