I'm 14 yrs. old and I'm 5'4 and weigh about 160, is that overweight? Read the details below!?

I have a flat tummy and i own wear a size 13 in pant...I'm very athletic, enormously active contained by sports. I'm in soccor, picnic basket ball, and vollyball. My doctor say i'm healthy, but i'm not sure. Need for a time advice please? =)

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you could be able-bodied and not be a size two.
actaully, people beside a larger jean size are healthier than those who are such small sizes.
It's not vigorous or right to be so small.. and what really matters anyway is. ARE YOU HAPPY?
that's adjectives that matters. not what anyone think or says besides you. It's adjectives in your pave the way.

I'm 13 days late on my term and I feel depressed.?

Have you ever hear that mustle weighs more than chubby? It's true, if you are very athletic and enjoy a flat tummy it means you enjoy a lot of muscle. I'm 5'6 and weigh 145, i played softball for 13 years and swimming for 4 years. But i don't look 145, i wear a size 3 pant, i jus have greatly of muscle too. It's normal, and yes your full-bodied

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If you are a feminine, then yes, you are for a time overweight. I say for a time instead of a lot because you may hold a lot of muscle since you are so athletic. You can find out how much muscle you own by having your body flab percentage measured.

A woman your height who is of average build should be between 115lb and 130lbs next to a body fat percentage of no more than around 27%

If you were not athletic consequently yes, you'd be about 30lbs overweight.

Since you may still be growing, I don't recommend you shift on any type of crash diet, nor do I recommend you attempt to lose weight surrounded by any quick trend.

Simple aim for a healthy diet and possibly increase your level of leisure a little more by walking every daytime. Try cutting out soda and things similar to fast food too.

I other said I'd never take diet pills again but I am desperate to lose counterweight . Help please?

Just stay active surrounded by your sports and try not to snack on bad foods. You're fine. Enjoy your stirring lifestyle.

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umm personally thats a short time high because im in the order of 13 and im 5'4.5" & im 110 pounds & im athletic too im in track & feld rite immediately & i think im huge...and i own a flat stomach too! uugghhhh

Whats wrong with me?

you are robust, but weigh more than you should according to a BMI chart. talk to your doctor again.

Is it to gross////?

To me its not a event of being over weightiness or under weightiness. Frequently the standardized tests that are used as a method do not take several factors into reason. For example, you are only 14. It is said that babyish women grow for up to two years after getting their period. You could still be growing where case your immensity could very very well be extremely healthy. What you inevitability to consider is whether or not you are physically active, which it specifically appears to be the case. That, to me, is the most essential constituent of being well. When you get exercise and fuel your body appropriately, you quality better about yourself, and operate at a better stratum in common.

Hope that this helps!

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Technically you could be 20lb overweight. But being athletic and probably have a lot of extra muscle, you might not be as overweight as that. Do you know if you are small or big boned as this will also affect your weight.

And if your waist is smaller number than 32 inches, you don't have to verbs about that.

There are probably girls wearing a size 4 because they own narrow hips, but they might enjoy too much fat around their middle and hold a waist/hip ratio which is too high and putting their form at risk. And then other girls might wear a size 12, because they hold big hips, but they might have a flat tummy and small waist and their waist/hip ratio will be just what the doctor ordered. I know which I'd rather be.

HTH : )

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