Are 13 year dated girls insane?

I am horrified by the questions some of these 13 yr old girls are asking and when they don't approaching the answers they respond with idiotic insane arguments. Do you regard 13 year old girls have a pathological have need of to be rude and not listen?

Has anyone have tonsils and adnoids out at next age, I am 55 and wondered?

It goes with the nouns, fortunately most outgrow it by 15.

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I don't think they have a pathological call for to be rude or not listen. Thirteen-years-olds are suffering from adolescence in a hastily paced "pop" culture. They are struggling to find their way. Rebellion is all your own of the age group. Critical thinking is a skill most won't achieve for several more years.

This is an entertainment site. I wouldn't take anything anyone here say personally. It is an interesting place to learn going on for what kids are thinking and how they think.

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It's not pathological if it's typical or usual.

It's called person a 13 year old, and it's partly cultural and in part biological. When they start to have an identity they start to experiment being internally (as anti externally) referenced.

And, of course they don't like answers nearly how the world is - They're referenced to how the world is supposed to be.

Solution to Global Warming; maintain the life prices illustrious! Who agrees next to me?

'Do you think 13 year old girls own a pathological need to be rude and not listen?'

do you think you could be any more uneducated and obnoxious??

*no seriously. i get that you're hormonal or something, but why spew your hate publicly? it's not relevant to women's robustness and it's hardly even a question. vent elsewhere, because i would fairly not listen to your idiotic rants.
I'm fourteen and i can see why these 13 year elderly girls don't want to listen to you.*

Help! Possible ingestion disorder?!!?

i totally agree with the first answer
u wonder why they dont want to talk to (a) similar to u

What does everyone do in the order of fuzz "u know where"?

get a grip and grow up!

how old are you?


sheesh honestly!

are you trying to engineer everyone hate you?!

Did I fritter away my hymen?

Girls..back me please! im so anxious!?
Did i pop my cherry?
Personal request for information, I requirement some backing near please! (Women only)?
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