I'm 39 and experiencing heavy long periods and shorter cyles. Suggestions as to why?

I had a particularly LIGHT period within June, a VERY HEAVY long period surrounded by July, went on progesterone, later had a long deduction bleed after stopping the progesterone (12 days!!). Ultrasound shows some normal "functional" ovarian cysts.

Stopped the renunciation bleeding 4 days ago, now have some very hurricane lantern bleeding (I don't even know that I'd call it bleeding -- more approaching normal, clear, standard lamp discharge streaked with red/brown blood).

Last average PAP was 16 months ago -- several normal every twelve months ones prior to that.

Kind of worried. Tired of all this focus "down in that!"

Suggestions as to what's going on?


pls help. i gt a prob on red sorenesss after removing upper lip mane?

Sounds to me like you enjoy a infec. Most likey yeast. I can understand you not charitable for all the focus on "that part" I perceive the same road when I have infections.

Or else the ony other entity I can think of it menopuase.. is near any endocirne disorders in your family connections.. thyroid problems, diabetes, glandular problems.. if so, it's not unsual to experience early menopause..

Is this true?

Sounds amazingly much like what I go through. My ob/gyn performed a D& C and that cured it. It's a simple procedure and it straightened things out for me.

For the girls? have anyone tried moon cups?

it sounds as if your geostrical tube may have blockage and explicitly why your periods are irregular

I am taking chantix,would wearing the patch the first few days facilitate?

It may be possible that you experiencing early menopause symptons. I've not certain ovarian cysts to cause heavey bleeding. If you are underneath abnormal stress (good or bad) this could also be a contributing factor. If possible go to a doctor for that pap and regular check up. On the upside-might want to invest in the Playtex stock :)

I be scaned by my doctor n she told me i have a fibroid contained by my womb,n im pregnant.pls help me?

My guess is one of the following: 1) Ovarian Cyst, 2) Endometriosis, 3) Blocked falopion tube, or 4) Pre-menopause. Pre-Menopause can end up to ten years - easily putting you into full blown menopause.

Your opinion please?

You should get a pap on a twelve-monthly basis. In amalgamation, as we age our hormones change, as do our period. I used to be very regular, in a minute its somehwat of a crap shoot. You can track your period on www.mymonthlycycles.com. I found it completely helpful, mainly to inform my Dr of what my menstral changes are.

I shaved my bikini procession!?

By Dr. Michelle P. Warren

If you've experienced menstrual cycles where you bleed at hasty times, seem to bleed too much, or don't even bleed at adjectives, don't worry, you're not alone. You're purely going through something that is certainly quite adjectives, an irregular period. These go on in in the order of thirty percent of women who are in their "reproductive years." These are the years when women who are have menstrual periods are gifted of becoming pregnant. You may recall mortal a young youngster (or maybe you are a immature teenager) and noticing that your period were irregular or seem to take awhile to settle into a "rota." That's because irregular periods are especially adjectives at the time when menstruation begins contained by adolescence. A similar syndrome recurrently occurs at the come to an end of the reproductive years when women approach menopause -- usually in the mid-to-late forties. Ironically, a menopausal woman can in reality be experiencing periods much resembling those of her teenage daughter. All women, however, should hold on to in mind that menstrual cycles may swing normally. The time between bleeding can be as short as 25 days and as long as 42 days. Although an occasional cycle of this length shouldn't be explanation for worry, be aware that if cycles verbs to be shorter than 25 days or longer than 42, days or are associated with other symptoms, such as torment or heavy bleeding, it's a worthy idea to consult a doctor. Don't verbs, though, if your cycle does not always closing exactly 28 days. Just as most women's bodies aren't proportioned to fit exactly into one dress size, very few women hold menstrual cycles that last precisely 28 days.

Why do irregular period even occur? Well, the most adjectives reason that women skip period is that their bodies have not ovulated during a cycle. Ovulation is the time when the ovary releases an egg. This occur in the middle of a menstrual cycle. For assorted reasons, ovulation can sometimes be delayed or even not evolve at all. When this happen, your period may be highly late or totally fictional. To understand how this happen, you need to take to mean what your period is literally "made of." When you enjoy your period, what your body is doing is shedding the endometrium, which is the inside layer of the uterus. The endometrium builds up over the course of the menstrual cycle and receives the signal to shed itself when ovulation occur and the egg is not fertilized. Heavy bleeding may result if ovulation happens tardy and more than the usual amount of lining have continued to grow. You may be wondering what keeps the inside layer from building up when ovulation does occur. The answer lies contained by a hormone called progesterone, which is made from the ovary. Progesterone act to stop the growth of the endometrium. The ovary makes progesterone for 14 days, after which the endometrium is shed as a menstrual length. Bet you never realized in recent times how much action go on in your body within the course of a month!


If you want to get really scientific (so you can sound really smart when discussion to your girlfriends) you can think in the region of something called a proliferative template. This is what happens when your body does not create progesterone and the endometrium builds up so much that it finally outgrows its blood supply. The result is that you have the genus of period surrounded by which blood is shed in a disorderly, erratic template, and bleeding may last a long time. Although this happen to many women and is comparatively common, we don't really know what cause it. It's possible that the reason is related to the helpful of stress that comes from dieting, rigorous exercise or travel where the body clock is thrown out of whack. Remember this massively important point, however. Though at hand are many reason that you can miss a period or experience erratic bleeding, it's crucial not to give the brush-off the obvious--that you may be pregnant. If you have a interval that's abnormal, craft sure to ask yourself if this is a possibility.

Irregular periods are sometimes the result of a hormonal discrepancy. How do you know if you have a hormonal lack of correspondence? The best way, as you would expect, is to be evaluated by your doctor. If you continue to own irregular periods for longer than three months, you should probably spawn an appointment with your gynecologist. You may own one of two types of hormonal problems. The first type happens when you enjoy too much of a certain features of male hormone. This hormone usually comes from the ovary and occasionally comes from the adrenal gland, which sits surrounded by the kidney. Since men do not menstruate (wouldn't it be sweet justice if they did?), too much of this hormone will clearly cause your period to become irregular or even stop. The second type of hormonal problem occurs when your body literally get its signals crossed in coordinating the menstrual cycle. This confusion take place in the brain--where else? And again, if you want to be really brainy more or less what's going on in your body, think give or take a few this: there are three places inside of you where on earth your hormones can be disrupted. These are the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, (both in the brain) and the ovaries (you remember those, they're in the lower tummy.) What happens is that the hypothalamus sends signals to the pituitary gland, which surrounded by turn sends signals to the ovary. These signals are sent from the brain in very specific pulses every 60 to 90 minutes. Since you're reading this on a computer, reflect of all the signals and connections that must be made purely for you to reach this page. Have you ever have trouble logging on to the internet? Well, things are just as complicated inside your body. So it's not adjectives that surprising that circuits misfire from time to time.


Hormonal problems sometimes come with symptoms that you may not be uncultivated about. Some of these symptoms include acne and excessive fuzz growth in areas such as the frontage, the chest, the stomach, and the thighs. In cases where you're delivery too much of the male hormone, you may find that your spine is thinning in a way that resembles masculine pattern baldness or that you may be acquirement weight. And, as we've be discussing, hormonal problems are associated with absence of ovulation, which results in infertility. So aside from adjectives the other discomforts of a hormonal imbalance, you may find yourself not sufficiently expert to get pregnant--though hormonal problems should definitely not be a reason to forgo birth control if you're sexually stirring.

In many cases, irregular period will warrant an ultrasound examination, which allows your doctor to rob a look at your ovaries. It may be that your ovaries have a so-called "polycystic appearance." This manner that there are small cysts on your ovaries. Although the ovaries are unanimously enlarged under these conditions, the cysts do not make happen pain and at hand is no need for surgery. There are things that can be done, however. Many doctors prescribe oral contraceptives (birth control pills) to regulate the period or, in cases of excess fleece growth or other symptoms related to hormonal imbalances, it can be handy to take prescribed drugs containing progesterone.

You're probably wondering how you, a full-fledged woman, could ever wrapping up up with too much of a masculine hormone. While no one really know for sure, recent scientific work suggests that it's due to increased amounts of insulin, which cause the ovaries to make more mannish hormones than they should. On rare occasion, a tumor growing in the ovary or adrenal gland can make manly hormones--don't worry, this doesn't come to pass very normally. Sometimes the adrenal gland may lack enzymes, which inflict it to make more mannish hormone. Again, though, this is technical stuff. The bottom vein is that experiencing irregular periods scheme the signals involved in coordinating the menstrual cycle have be disrupted. The good report is that there are investigational, promising medications out within that may be able to reverse this syndrome contained by some women.


There are a few other symptoms of hormonal imbalances that we haven't but touched on. One of those is the secretion of milk from the breasts. This can be alarming if you're not lactating (breast feeding) but it's usually nothing to verbs about. Occasionally the pituitary may develop a benign (harmless) tumor, and this can basis secretion of milk from the breasts. Also, if a woman has an drinking disorder such as anorexia nervosa or is training very complex for an athletic even such as a marathon, the period may become irregular or stop altogether. In serious cases (such as severe anorexia) the ovaries may also stop functioning and young women can develop untimely menopause. One symptom of menopause is hot flashes. If this begins occurring to young women it is plausible that the problem is diet and exercise related. In many cases, in that's an eating disorder going on. If menopause-like symptoms are going on to you or a friend and you think it might be related to an consumption disorder, it is crucial to seek assist. In addition to harm your body in other ways, drinking disorders can cause the ovaries to shut down, which can front to osteoporosis.

Of course, women approaching menopause will begin to ovulate smaller number regularly and therefore experience irregular period. Even menopausal women who are still menstruating may also have hot flashes. Women at this age also regularly have fibroids, which are benign tumors of the muscular wall of the uterus. Even when ovulation is average, these fibroids may cause irregular and sometimes drastically heavy bleeding.

You probably thought you be asking a simple question when you inquired in the order of irregular periods. What you've only read is a lot of information to grasp adjectives at once. Just remember that irregular periods are enormously common and largely easily treated. If you experience one from time to time, don't procure upset. If you think you might be pregnant, nick a home pregnancy test. If you're not pregnant and the symptoms carry on for more than a few months, see your doctor. Most of these problems reverse on their own. Just remember this very crucial point: even if you're periods are not regular, you should other use contraception if you're sexually active and do not choice to become pregnant. Having irregular periods does not necessarily plan you cannot conceive. Would you like to agree about your own experience beside irregular periods? Visit the Always message boards

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