Has anyone had Novasure done in the Dr.s office?

I was looking for someone that may hold had the Novasure procedure done within office defiant outpatient at the hospital and their experience. Id also like to hear from anyone who have it done more than a year ago. Im 35 and im done having kids, my period got really stocky after I had my ultimate child and my Dr recommened Novasure and im scheduled for the 11th. I have a choice to do it in the organization with some percocet or at the hosp below anes. It only take about 90 second so i chose the office. Anyone own any experiences to share? Im really nervous


Has anyone ever been prescribed torment med for pain from an ovarian cyst?

My friend have it done ambulatory at the doctor's office and have absolutely no problems. She said it hurt resembling hell for about 30 second, but she just breathed approaching she was laboring and it be over before she know it.

If you're having second thoughts, I would recommend that you consider rescheduling for the hospital, because if you shift into this feeling REALLY anxious, it will with the sole purpose amplify your sensory perceptions and build the procedure even more uncomfortable. Talk it adjectives over with your doctor.

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