Sorry If this posted twice but I didnt see it so: Is it a urine infection?

Urine Infection?
Okay Well heres the problem: Some times when I pee it burns and the color of the urine is always shifting color. And I have alot of discharge.sometimes so much I get the impression really wet down in that and all. Im 13 and I own had two period. Im suposed to get my subsequent one on April 16th. What is wrong? Also I sometimes get sharp pains in my vagina and I am wondering if i.e. normal. And another article...I tried to put a tampon in and it hurt really fruitless so could I possibly have TTS? I took it out and it wasnt within for no more than Id say 5 minutes but it hurt really desperate pulling it out and it didnt even go up far. What should I do? Sorry for asking so much but Im trying to gather points. Thanks ahead for all your comfort.


Oh yeah is it TTS or TSS?

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Hi Emily, I deduce you ought to talk to your mom or the university nurse or to some adult give or take a few your symptoms. Usually the color of urine changes according to what you guzzle and drink, also discharge is normal for any woman and you are a immature woman. As to the pain within the vagina and the way to insert a tampon you really ought to have a chat to some woman (as I said above) ask your mom to take you to a gynecologist who can examine you and explain to you everything. Don't be shy, please do it.

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