Can u help with CRAMPS??

I have really desperate cramps.what can I do to get rid of them?

Medicine doesn't serve.

As anyone herd of..?

heat pad works really honourable for me
also, curling up in a ball (fetal position) make me feel better.
((( hug )))

How do I remove the blood on my underwear?

hot bubble hip bath or place a heating wad on your stomach

good luck

Heres the point?

Walk or exercise, take a shower (as hot as you can stand it) or a hot hip bath... Those should help

try to conceive.?

would u similar to me to massage your uterus? orgasms sometimes assist too

Pap smear?

Take a warm/hot bath/shower or use a heating wad and lay down if you can and take a siesta. If they are really bad you may want to chitchat to a doctor about getting on birth control to backing releive them in the adjectives.

Is it ok to be uncircumcised?

Heat always help - either a heat pad or a hot bath/shower. Ask your doctor almost Meclomen - it REALLY helps. I own endometriosis and PCOS and was taking roughly 60 vicodin a month for dull pain - before I started taking Meclomen. It reduce your flow - and reduced flow means reduced pain/cramps. Good luck!

I miss a week of birth control pills could i be pregnant?

I used to seize the worst cramps ever, unable to bring back out of bed, I would cry, it was horrible. I finally go to the doctor, had to gain an ultrasound, turns out I have cysts adjectives over my ovaries and I actually hold a tumor on my uterus. It's always devout to just be in motion to to the doctor to make sure you don't hold any problems. She put me on birth control and gave me some extra strength motrin and some anti-inflammatory pills and very soon I don't get any cramps at adjectives, it's like glory lol. I would def. see a doctor.

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