I miss a week of birth control pills could i be pregnant?

I got my extent on feb 26th & I started the birth control pill on march 4 that sunday I took it for a hole week until Saturday the 10th. At that time another extent came on the 19th of demonstration. When i took a HPT it came out neg please assist should i be worried about one pregnant.

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I know that if you miss more the two days, you enjoy to stop taking them until your next cycle, which expected for me no sex until than, that was 30 years ago. Today in that is a shot you can get that closing up to 3 mouths and the doctors office call you to remind you to come in for you next one. Unbelievable. So I wouldn't count on any one on Yahoo..Call your doctor or someone from planned motherliness to give you the support you are looking for.

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could be..only one opening to find out

Is it OK to go on and bad the contraceptive pill. or should you stay on it once you've started?

Very big possibilities that you will be pregnant.

Problems down below!!?

did u have sex.. yes u could be pregnant...

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missing a week it is unlikly but you could be. listen to love lines its on at darkness all over the country, starts at 10pm eastern time i dont know the station on the radio where on earth you live but here in florida (central) it is on 105.9

you could name in and ask dr. drew is a worthy person to have a chat to

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Absolutely you could be. It might be too untimely for a home pregnancy test. I have multiple negative HPTs for adjectives 3 of my pregnancies ( a hormone deficiency issue beside me). Go to the doctor to be sure.

In the meantime, be careful - no alcohol, drugs, etc. - till you find out for sure.

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If you have sex, then yes, obviously. Especially if you are only purely starting on the pill after not being on it.

I cringe at the thought of someone becoming a parent who be too irresponsible to remember birth control (or know how to use it effectively) for a whole week.

It's a shame that the responsible individuals keep their reproduction underneath control but the idiots breed like rabbits.

has anyone ever have pid and recovered from the surgery and had kids latter on?

Well of course I can't be sure, but if you be off of the pills for a week and have unprotected sex then sure you could be. Wait for your subsequent period to come and if its behind schedule get another oral exam or go to your doc or local form department. Good Luck!

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Important things to consider: First, when you first commence taking the pill, most gyns will recommend using an alternative (such as condoms) for 4-6 weeks before relying solely on the pill for birth control, as it take time for the pill to regulate your system. Another thing is that HPT's do sometimes result surrounded by false negatives, remarkably when used very impulsive in the first trimester. Best bet is to check next to your doctor! Good luck!

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You could be pregnant. I ponder you should take another pregnancy theory test if it comes out negative travel to a doctor to see if you are or not. You can still get your interval while your pregnant so you never know...go to a doctor

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