Heres the thing?

My friend has sorta an odor problem and its concrete irritating to sit in a classroom whith someone who stinks what should i do??

what is the feeling that you bring if you a women an a guy rubs your back or sits on you an rubs your vertebrae ?

If you absolutely cannot tolerate to tell your friend yourself (which would really be the best way), consequently do it anonymously--perhaps in a message or a note---better yet, this is the computer age---send a certificate or an email. Just be nice and polite, not critical.

Problems with YAZ?

I suggest describing your guidance counselor. They will tell them within a nice way. Or inform your friend that you just get this great new deoderant or body wipe up and that it makes you smell SOO obedient. (don't say it similar to you are making them feel fruitless though). Hope this helps! And be nice give or take a few it.

do you get de-virginized when you wear tampons?

Discreetly put in the picture your teacher. See what happen. It is difficult to tell someone they smell desperate, but they should be aware of it. It could be diet, medical, or hygiene. Maybe they are a pig farmer and enjoy stepped in something and it is on their shoes and they are used to the smell and don't know it. A true friend would bring up to date you if you had a problem, but it have to be done properly. If you just say-so "You stink" that would be bad.

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