Ovarian cyst...?

I am one and only 3 1/2 weeks pregnant and basically found out that I own a corpus luteal cyst on my moved out ovary. I'm really worried and be wondering if any other women hold have this and if it didn't effect the pregnancy.

Is it desperate that i my vagina is ichty and irritated after have sex?

Sweetie, various women draw from this cyst (corpus luteal cyst) during pregnancy and don't even know it until an ultrasound is done. These cysts usually dance away totally on their own during the second trimester lacking cause any discomfort. It poses no risk whatsoever to your kid.

If you own one that happen to rupture, it may be massively itchy but will not impact your pregnancy at adjectives! So, please don't verbs. Just savour your pregnancy. Congratulations!

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