What days in a womens cycle can she get pregnant?


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You are most potential to get pregnant (but it's possible any time) going on for 2 weeks after the first day of your final period. This time frame last about 5 days, so approximately 14-19 days after the first day of your concluding period. If your period are very regular, this is just about halfway between period.

Remember, you can get pregnant at other times, too, but these are the days you are most fertile.

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the most feasible time to get pregnant are the 3-4 days contained by the middle of your cycle

If you take the drug lamictal and birth control pills it is supposed to fade away the effectiveness of your bc.

ANYDAY! You can concieve ANY daytime of the month weather on the pill patch or shot. its less possible but you can! and you CAN get pregnant while on your length. the most likely days is when your ovulation which is the middle of your cycle or usually 14-15 days after the first day of you time. but again YOU CAN GET PREGNANT ANY TIME OF THE MONTH EVEN IF YOUR USING A FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL!!

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Get the book Taking Charge of your Fertility. It explains it all. It is primarily one to two days because that is how long you ovulate. The common sense it is longer has to do beside your husband's sperm because his sperm can last up to five days inside you if you own good standard cervical fluid.

When someone says that you can procure pregnant even during your period can be a true motto if you have a short pre-ovulation cycle near cervical fluid for the spermies to travel.

I bought the book for my fiancee and told my sister about it.she loves it since she have been trying to receive prengant again.

Good luck if you are trying to get pregnant.

general check up tomorrow?

anwhere from daylight 14-21

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