What are some of the reasons why girls choose to be anorexic or bulimic BESIDES the media?


Women ONLY..please!!?

First, an eating disorder is not a choice surrounded by most cases.

"Psychiatrists have singled out several characteristics which they speak are typical of anorexics.

These include: a dominant, over-protective and critical mother and a passive or withdrawn father and a partiality to perfectionism, a strong desire for social approval and a need for decree and control.

However, many of these characteristics own been the subject of dispute.

The medium and its emphasis on super-thin models is also blamed by some for influencing the means of access people, in particular girls, see themselves and making them believe looks are all-important.

Feminists argue that it is not the images contained by themselves which are harmful, but the reality that women still derive much of their sense of self-worth from whether they please men.

Anorexia nervosa is a form of intentional self-starvation. What may begin as a middle-of-the-road diet is carried to extremes, with various reducing their intake to an absolute minimum. It is also characterised by besotted behaviour. The majority of anorexics deny they hold a problem. "

"Some experts believe bulimia is the result of an imbalance of chemicals to the brain, but others suggest the illness is more feasible to be linked to a need of self-worth.

It is thought that up to half of anorexics also suffer from bulimia and some 40% of bulimics are reported to hold a history of anorexia.

Sufferers tend to be older than anorexics, pilfer a longer time to recover and are more promising to commit suicide.

Treatment for bulimia includes the use of drugs such as antidepressants, counselling which examines the cause of bulimic way of life and behavioural modification, including education more or less healthy intake."

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They have a feeling they are FAT and want both boys and girls to see them thin

Has anyone ever taken cytomel and levoxyl at indistinguishable time and did they lose weight?


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they are trying o look better than someone else...or they dream up therir fat compare to every one else

Heres the entity?

They have a distorted body logo of themselves. All they see when they look at themselves is a fat personage even if they are super skinny. Also is having control over yourself when you get the impression like you don't hold control in other aspects of your enthusiasm.

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It probably starts beside insecurity in the way they look...they ponder that they're fat, so they want to lose consignment. When a person is anorexic, they don't see themselves the route others see them...they always see themselves as tubby no matter how skinny they are. It simply all go downhill from there.

Pulled My Glute?

Honestly, it does not hold much to do with the medium. We go on and on in the region of thin models cause rampant anorexia, but america is not suffering death due to anorexia, its facing mass departure due to being overweight.

Causes of anorexia are probably 50% genetic. Its linked to clinical depression. Anorexics are comforting themselves by seize complete control over one area of their lives. Anorexics tend to show signs of man obsessive, have high restraint, and anyone perfectionists.

Death among anorexics is more regularly by suicide then starvation. Sure, you can blame the medium for giving them the image of 'fine = perfect". But ultimately, anorexics are unhappy perfectionist who need backing. If we told them some other body shape was ideal, they might pursue that with suicidal vigor instead.

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