One positive result, and one negative?!?

I took a clearblue easy precipitate response digital this morning and its clearly said "pregnant." I wasn't convinced so I bought a First Response and there is NO indication of a postive anywhere on the testing strip..what should I do? My husband is over the moon with excited, we hold three daughters and are trying for a boy, or whatever we're given :) But I don't surface pregnant, I actually touch like I'm going to start my now I'm REALLY confused!


Where can i buy?

You may hold enough HCG contained by your body to show up on the Clear Blue and not enough to show up on the First Response. I would move about buy another test, I recommend Answer (buy the two pack) Or stir and but another Clear Blue. If the Clear Blue said pg then you hold the HCG hormone, you cannot have a false positive. Buy another try-out or a few and take them. Good luck my friend and congrats on your pregnancy!!

Adipex - Side effects?

Take a third. Best out of 3 win!

Does this happen to you too?

After three kids you know you inevitability to go to the doctor's and receive them to do the blood test.

Then you'll know for sure.

anyone else experience this discomfort?

Make an appointment with your doctor. You may be pregnant since the first audition said positive.

How can I make my term stop?

Time will tell. Give it a couple of weeks and you will know for sure. Good luck

For women single, men will regret reading this question?

Try the third exam, if not thrilled go to a hospital.

Is this a yeast infection or impetuous or what?

that is confusing because that would indicate that you are "sort of" pregnant.

why have i have a sideache for 4 weeks?

It's very adjectives for tests to come hindmost negative when you're pregnant. The test are based on the amount of hormone contained by your urine. If you had seriously to drink etc, the urine and hormone would be diluted. If you had a positive examination, I"m sure you're pregnant. Congratulations. You could take another check with your morning urine tomorrow. I took 5 and they adjectives came stern negative beforehand I got a positive one. God Bless

Is their anyway i can own my period sooner or following?

The best thing would be going to the doctor and recounting them the situation. Show them the test, they will testing you as well. Their exam is almost 100%. The can even give you a blood pregnancy experiment.

How do you get your doctor to seize you on birth control without relating her your sexually active?

Um.progress to the Doc.

I'm not pregnant, yet don't hold a period?

I would step to your doctor.They can do a blood pregnancy test and put in the picture you for sure.

What are breast implants really close to?

i would visit the doctor.they can donate a u a test that is to say correct and will tell u the honest answer.

Ive have sex a few times, and i still bleed everytime.?

well, you could try another pregnancy test. to be somewhat sure any way, but later again my aunt was pregnant, but didn't know it until she go to the doctor. Three pregnancy tests have come out negative, too. so i guess you should run see a doctor to be sure.

Size is just a number?

It may depend on how far along you are. I suggest you stop by a doctor and have it confirmed . You can also try another brand of oral exam and see what you get.

Is it possible?

Different pregnancy test can tell closer than others. It could be that the clearblue is just competent to detect the pregnancy hormone earlier. You could dawdle a week and take a tie breaker. Or freshly make an appointment near your obgyn. Good luck.

When your boobs start growing does that me you have of late started puberty?

The best thing to do is to hang around and see if you get your length. If you don't get your extent,take another examination as it will be far more accurate after your missed period. Good luck :)

What's wrong near me?


Hi, to women out there, will you dance to a male OB-GYNE doctor for a prenatal check up and abdication?

False negatives are somewhat adjectives..this happens one of two ways; the theory test can't detect the hCG hormones, or there aren't satisfactory in your body.

But false positives are in danger of extinction because the tests are designed to ONLY take action to if you got a positive, likelihood are you're pregnant.

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