How can i tell my dad that i have 'girl problems' without saying extra stuff?

example: i don't want to go to college because i'm on my period or something.

and approaching today, i had to run to this dentist appointment and i felt crampy down nearby in the stomach nouns, and i didn't feel resembling going 'cause of the spasm i felt while walking around...and my dad yell at me because of that because they charged him and i can't get another appointment. grrrrrrr. D:

so yea, how can i update my dad that i have 'girl problems' lacking saying extra stuff?


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nuzhat s this is a massively common "female" problem. i pinch it your mom is not around? hey just be honest near him and give him the facts. if your menses is a problem next see your doctor. may be normal and may prescribe something for it but afterwards again you may have a condition that make your menses a bit worse. either bearing your going to have to update him, and if he's like most father he won't ask questions. polite luck.

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Just as you said, tell him that you are have "female issues", and he should probably get hold of the drift.

If you are feeling that self-conscious during your period, perchance you should take some torment reliever, or try hot pads. Don't tolerate your period rule your existence and dictate what you can and cannot do!

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use your own words, tell him you enjoy 'girl problems' im sure he will understand what you denote...

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dude, your dad already know about adjectives that stuff, so just bring up to date him straight up. you should get used to clich?? you are on your period and have bad cramps because you are going to hold your periods for the subsequent 40yrs probably. the sooner you are comfortable with what is going on near your body, the sooner everyone else is!! and if he dont want to hear it, well let somebody know him your a female and thats existence for you, so he will have to hear it sooner or latter!

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Well, I can grasp why your Dad wasn't happy something like the dentist, girl problems or not, considering they charged for it.

But I know how bad cramps can capture. Next time you know you have something going on and you own cramps, try those stick on heat pad and ibuprofon. The heat pad will do wonders and no one will no you are wearing them

As for recitation your Dad.Im pretty sure he would know what you mean by girl problems :) Dont below estimate him

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Just be honest and tell him the truth. Tell him you are have problems with your spell. He's an adult, and he'll take to mean the situation.
However, all women walk through that, and it's usually not a good excuse to avoid going to college or to the dentist. If you are having cramps, they own over the counter medications that will minister to with that. You are going to be have your periods for a great deal of years, so you might as well receive used to living your life near them.

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Hey~I know it's difficult to share your "girl problems" with the manly species. However, the only channel they'll truly understand, and not grasp upset with you is if you explain to them what is in reality going on. Regardless, of whether you have a enduring confidence with them.

I grew up next to my father and two brothers. They where simply understanding, and even practical when I explained to them what was going on.

Therefore, try to embark on up a little, and explain why you can't do consistent things on certain days. Remember your stimulating, and physical well self is much more important than keeping to yourself.

Take exactness girl, and success!


guys do know, you just hold to tell them straight forward. inform him " I'M ON MY PERIOD AND AM CRAMPING BAD!" It's not that hard. Sometimes you enjoy to do things you don't feel comfortable near. Oh yeah unless you're cramping really bad, you own to go to arts school (we all do it). appropriate luck!!

what are ..?

if he yells at you, basically yell something hindmost like:
or something.

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Honey, something that you're definitely going to enjoy to do is realize that you're going to have your spell for a very long time and you won't know how to put life on hold every time until it ends. We're only just too busy!! Pop in some "menstral complete" Midol and receive moving.

If you're cramping pretty badly (I do too!) the best things are these: working out, though it seem dumb, actually HELPS beside the cramping. Doing sit ups and going on walks can wellbeing the pain. Take a hot tub, get a hot watter bottle to place on your stomach, or on your lower posterior.

As for your dad, realize that he had to get what was going on near your mom so that they could have you! He will absolutely understand if you enunciate "Dad, sorry I'm being big-hearted of frumpy right now, but it's that time of the month and I'm really tired and achy." I know you don't want to voice it, but think of it this style. If you tell you're dad what is up right away, later you won't have to spend adjectives that extra time and energy TRYING to find the point across. Just tell him and next next time, it won't be so discouraging. :)

Hope that helps kiddo. :) Remember, you're not the individual one that has one and even your dad know that. It's nothing to be disconcerted about.

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I'd be up front and tell him that you've get 'girl problems', he will more than likely quality too awkward to say anything further!

I'm gonna catch all 'big-sister' on you immediately 'cos I'm actually a bit worried that your spell is getting in the way of things close to Dentists appointments and school.

If you own pain after don't suffer, take a pain-killer, you can buy them severely cheaply over the counter at a chemists, or a grocery store/supermarket.

But unless you have exceptionally uncomfortable periods or highly heavy period then here's no need to miss anything, and if you hold either of those later really you need to be speaking to a Doctor hon.

You'll hold over 2000 days of bleeding in your lifetime (not counting for if you ever have children), that's style too much time to let it spoil your existence or stop your plans. If you don't have a womanly grown-up you can talk next to about these things after there are lots of us here that will be comfortable to talk things through.

Take carefulness hon, hope I've helped somewhat.

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I construe you just requirement to be honest with him and say-so, "I'm having PMS." That's what I did, and to be precise what most girls do. If you had told your dad you be feeling ailing, he could have told the dentist, and you wouldn't hold been charged.
PMS is a permanent status that means you are experiencing pains similar to cramping, headaches, etc. He'll know exactly what it funds, because almost all women find it.
If you don't want ot say you own PMS, just enunciate you are having feminine problems. He will know EXACTLY what you mean.

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scream... TAMPON!

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tell him that u own girls problem and he will figer it out

Long Period?

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Everyone here points out your DAD is not dumb and knows adjectives your problems
I hope you are going to volunteer to pay rear legs that office charge for person such a sissy.
You really got discomfort see your gynecologist.

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Somehow, guys already know all that stuff seemingly since the girls figure out everything in the order of it. It's actually really creepy. Now pretty much all the boys surrounded by my class know about if appreciation to my male guru who told us about that. But I'm getting past its sell-by date subject. Just tell your dad you're have female issues and he will bring back the drift.

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You could certainly read out you're having "girl problems" or "it's that time of the month," or something approaching that. If he still hassles you, I would come out and distribute him explicit details, that way he'll really go and get the picture and will probably never hassle you again. Frankly, though, I am a strong supporter of not being ashamed of your interval. Your dad is a big boy--he can handle the truth. So should you. Your time of year is natural--why should you feel unpromising about it? Cramps are especially nil to be ashamed of, and if they're bad plenty to not want to go out, you should bring some Motrin or see your doctor for advice. Read up on different perspective on periods. You should be consistency comfortable communicating with your dad, and he loves you and should respect you.

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You a moment ago did.. Just say it close to that.. He isn't going to talk nearly other issues..and your period isn't going to run off so you need to cram how to cope with it and discomfort because getting out of college or a dentist appointment because of your period...isn't an excuse at adjectives.

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I have to have a word to my dad about that stuff too [my mom isn't within the picture] and he actually come to me and told me that he wanted me to quality comfortable talking to him going on for "girl stuff." Guys know what goes on, so I would in recent times tell him directly and up front, he should comprehend. Good luck! =]

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say it exactly like that ! i hold a feminin problem which has get me in abundantly of pain you wouldnt take in!

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Just tell your dad that you are have girl stuff issues that you are not comfortable talking to him near. Maybe you two can agree on a TRUSTED woman friend that you can go to so you can discuss about this helpful of stuff.

But, cramps are going to happen and they really suck. But, you can't consent to them win all the time. You will own to do normal go. Ask him if he can hold it, but get you some midol. Maybe he will only know that , "Crap - she is asking me for one so I will stay clear of her for a day or two."

I am sure your dad have been expecting this for a while.


you stipulation to be honest with your dad, you don't own to go into great detail but remind him something like "your time of the month" sometimes dads need for a time helpful reminder

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if you are living beside your dad he should know about this problem a short time. You know he's not that dumb. Don't get too disconcerted tell him you are on your monthly. consequently say you don't discern to well he should slack up on you later. He will understand


you are spoiled . Staying at home wont formulate your female functions be in motion away. Your dad has better things to do next to his money.Just say: i enjoy a period

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Just don't lie back. Tell him that "i'm going though something difficult right now. If he have comman sense then he will take..

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Just tell your dad that your stomach hurts...if he get mad and starts yell at you like he did give or take a few the appt., tell him that you're on your time. You shouldn't be embarrassed. Every girl have a period. All dad's infer. =]

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I really consistency for you on the cramps. Mine last 3 hours. Yours? Sit your Dad down, and speak about him the truth and that that it IS the truth.

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