Does a pap smear hurt or it is mainly uncomfortable?

I'm a 19 yr. old virgin and I frlt it may be time to draw from an exam done seeing as though I have a pretty rough PMS, menstrual, and post mentrual symptoms.

Serious aswers please!

Only glas Period problem!?

they will ask you if you own ever had sexual intercourse. If you haven't later they usually use a smaller instrument. It does not hurt just breath and stay unperturbed. It is uncomfortable but it will be over sooner than you know it. They will own to swab the inside of your vagina walls with a few different types of swabs. and the doctor will enjoy to insert her/his finger into you and press on your lower abdomen. You wil be fine!

which one do you prefer ladies?

Hurts me. I aversion them.

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My mom have a pap smear and she said it was humiliated from time to time, but she had surgery within December that fixed it. (she had deviant results)

Women I need your proposal on this about my cycle?

It is in the main uncomfortable. Be sure to report to your doctor that you are a virgin and they will be extra gentle. It individual hurts if there are problems or you hold a tilted cervix.

I have really unpromising pains and it makes me want to seize sick! Details inside!?

Its generally a short time ago uncomfortable. Its one of those things as women we own to do though. It doesn't hurt, and if it does, tell your doctor to be more kind. Its like a length, uncomfortable, but when its over, you can return to your average life.

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it doesn't really hurt but it is kinda humiliated im not a virgin and it feels discomfited to me so it might be a little bit more discomfited for you but its worth it

How long until i see results??

It's pretty uncomfortable, for the most part just because someone is sticking a cold metal point down there. But it's not that fruitless. Because your a virgin, they will have a special tool to use on you so it won't hurt. My best recommend is to relax as much as possible and open your legs far apart.

i m 50. i m have knee backache for nearly one year docotor gave glucosamine but still impossible to tell apart advice plse?

they dont hurt at adjectives for me. it is just that odd uncomfortable sense of the swab they use rubbing against your tissues in there. No discomfort, just icky sentiment. It is over before you can even really bring too worked up. You will be so happy you get it over with, and i used to dislike them but i make myself move about once a year no matter what. Tell yourself you own to do this, and just get hold of it over with. Your vigour and well individual is very momentous.- good luck

Bad smell!?

it's really snatched...don't worry! No anguish at all, a short time ago kinda embarrassing incentive a stranger is down there.

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