Help? please?

this is kinda gross, maybe, but i had a few ingrown hair on my vag, so i popped them, and they had white stuff in them close to a white head, but now i hold purple or red scars from where they where on earth, i stopped shaving and deiced to use veet. but i wanna know if theres away to make the scars stir away, it makes feel abnormal, like a guys gunna think its looks gross or something, it make very self conscious. does any have any tips or anything to put together the scars go away i own like 2 purple ones, and 2 or 3 red ones, and they are circler like the bump but the bumps gone.
thankfulness to any help

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Its probably just vanished over inflammation from 1 the ingrown hairs and 2 being popped. Relax they'll walk away on their own after a week. Make sure you keep them clean so they don't carry infected and in the future if you own any use tweezers to pull the hair out and formulate sure to use clean hands. If you really detestation the way it looks anything thats good for inflammation will formulate it go away.

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