Long Period?

My period usually last for 4 or 5 days but today is my 7th day and i still have it, its not robust at all, its not even showing on a wipe or anything, i only make out the blood when i wipe with a tissue, it in recent times wont go away, is this middle-of-the-road??.
Im not on the pill, but i was taking Dong Quai beforehand i got my term i stopped soon as my period started, i dont know if thats what cause it, it was my 1st time taking it, i hear its supposed to help beside regulating menstrual cycles..Help!!

hymen breaking?

Never heard of Dong Quai, but abiding drugs can make you bleed longer and more heavily--such as drugs that weaken the blood like aspirin---so it could potentially be the culprit. But I would not be concerned if your time lasts 7 days even if explicitly outside of your "norm". A period that last 2-7 days is considered medically "normal" while those that consistently fall outside of those boundaries are in the atypical range(I've been surrounded by that category, it's no fun!). The bleeding your experiencing is probably just the tail close of period---perhaps your period was somewhat heavier than usual and it's taking longer to rid your body of the blood and waste. I wouldn't be concerned if your length lasts longer than 7 days, if it with the sole purpose happens this once--so long as it stops. Should you move about longer than 7 days for 3 consecutive cycles or continue to bleed lacking stopping, then it is time to see a doctor to rule out something serious or to stop the bleeding, whichever is applicable. Don't verbs too much for now and consider yourself remarkably lucky for usually having such short period :)

My boyfriend sits down to pee when he is over at my apt he say that path he won't get the toilet form wet

Are you sexually active? It may be a miscarrage. Or basically a long period.

Late Period or is it Missed?

You must see a doctor NOT NORMAL

Irregular Period..?

Its best to ask your doctor for this reliable thing. small things can organize to bigger things. If not now, after months.

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I just this minute asked my doc about a similar problem and she said it's totally fine and ordinary. Even the smallest thing, close to a really stressful day, or a bit of a cold/flu can upset your cycle. Unless it go on for a lot longer, I wouldn't verbs.

Please help I hold a bad ingrown spike right by the line that my upper thigh and butt cheek unite!?

U R normal no worries 4 U

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