best kind of birthcontrol?

if i do find out that i am not preg i am going to go to my drs apt. on the 18th and bc but i was on bc for a while ending year and yr before to regulate my extent. and alotta them caused me to gain linger and other things. does ne one know a good one to try this time?

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Birth control is the first thing you should have a sneaking suspicion that of before you own sex; bringing unwanted children in this world is cruel.

The best mode would have to be economy but since that is not an way out, i think birth control pills are the best. Gaining immensity is not as common a side-effect as relations seem to imagine. Just make sure you hang on to eating stout and exercising, they can make you hold cravings at times.just put together sure you don't indulge.

Your gynaecologist will prescribe the best pill for you. Just make sure you clutch it regularly and during the first month or so use condoms as well since it is still not not dangerous.

If you find that you are absolutely unreliable when it comes to taking the pill, at hand are intradermal implants and injections which can bestow contraception for up to 3 months. However i am sure that your gynaecologist will discuss all your option with u.

A gynae pop in is also wise if you own been have unprotected sex. Even if you're not pregnant, you could have caught a considerable variety of sexually-transmitted diseases from wart, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, HPV infection, up to AIDs. please be careful

This will nouns strange. Are there any other women out in that who are tearing/pulling their hair out?


Will be impossible to tell apart feelings when I open out them to a guy?

Chewing gum- Take a piece of chewing gum and hold it firmly betewee your thighs. That should keep you from getting pregnant.

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Best birth control.Asprin..held tightly between the knees.

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* so much that you can no longer get pregnant.(What Would Jesus Do?)

Is size nought influential?

try not having sex. thats the best birth control.

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In this sunshine and time the best birth control method is abstinence,but if you get the impression in writ to feel standard you must have sex or if you surface that you cant live without sex possibly you need to discuss with somebody and discover why.
because if you capture pregnant and it is not planned wouldn't that be unfair to your child?
Plus beside all the STD's that are out, are you liable to risk it?

What should I do if some random female is bleeding from having an abortion?

Different bc are different for respectively person. Personally, I similar to the Ortho Evra patch. I would ask your doc. what he/she thinks and notify them your concerns with getting hold of weight. Also, some bc are designed for people of a clear in your mind weight and size. Ask your doctor nearly this as well. If they let somebody know you that's not true, find another doctor. It is true and it will be on the instuctions for use in the bc pamphlet that comes with the bc.

Is it possible to get hold of a mammorgram with a frozen shoulder/adhesive capsillitis?

Not have sex is the best and safest birth control!!

Really if u want birth control that's up to the doctor to decide. they own to figure out which one is best for u. I use desogen but, lots of friends use a different open-handed. Also they have a shot u can do to. Just reach a deal to your gynecologist and see what he/she recommends. That is if your not pregnant.

I own infection?

1) Lesbianism.
2) 3 layers of underwear.
3) Lots of self-respect.
4) Really discouraging spelling.


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