Birth Control Pill Question?
So I know I'm being pretty paranoid but here go:
An hour after I took my first white active pill, I started coughing greatly (I have some sour reflux problems which means once within awhile I cough so much that I throw up). But anyway, do you think that coughing profoundly can affect the pill? I didn't I threw up...I mean, if i I did I would know right? I'm purely worried cuz it's my first pill of my new pack...
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As long as you didn't throw up afterwards everything will be fine. If by now you HAVE thrown up... afterwards wait an hour or two until your stomach settles down and clutch tomorrow's pill to replace it. You will have to jump through the pack and get to the placeboes a sunshine early but surrounded by the long run you will be without any worries from missing the pill you tossed...
IF you dream up you MAY have coughed out the pill accidently and not notice it you can do the above regimine as well. Just transcribe that if you DIDN'T throw / cough it up and you then "double up" on your pills inadvertantly you may enjoy some breast tenderness and possibly some cramping but nil major.
It's apposite to be a little paranoid... : )
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No dear, coughing will not affect the style the pill protects you. Antibiotics will decrease their efficiency but not coughing.if you threw up and seen the pill afterwards id be worried but you didnt throw up and didnt see the pill so id read aloud your safe!
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