Why does my hair shed so much??

I am 21 years old (No that I reflect it has anything to do near it), and my hair sheds so much. My boyfriend told me that he have never seen a woman who sheds as much mane as I do. In the shower, its on clothes even my boyfriends, over the sinks, couches, Its EVERYWHERE!!
I always notice that I shed alot of hair and I other have but I thought this be normal?
Is their a apology why I am shedding so much hair?
Anything I can do to stop it?
Serious answers just!! And no Im not losing my hair...

Ladies please serve (a little graphic guys shouldn't read)?


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It's usual. I get curls in my hairbrush, and so does everyone else. Don't verbs about it so much. You are fine, and it is not because of your age, it is only normal.

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Check your diet versus your hair. EAT MORE PROETEIN. What shampoo and conditioner do you use? I switch my shampoo and conditioner roughly speaking every 6 months. Just to try different things. Do you overstyle daily? Do you use abundantly of heat (dryer, straightener, etc) adjectives of those could be factors. Talk to your hairstylist see what they enunciate.

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Hi there...If i be you I would go and see my doctor.This could be something more serious.I started losing closely of hair and it turned out that I be suffering from Hyperthyroidism.I know that Stress can cause that it too or the Depo shot that women run as birth control.
I know that it is also normal to lose anywhere from 50 to a 100 down a day.

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really it could be something serious and you should own a doctor take a look at you. What I aim is that your body is not getting enough Vitamins and one that comes to mine is you Iron is massively low, or maybe a low blood cell. but it is up to you.

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i have equal problem. i think it's usual as long as you dont have resembling bald spots, so don't verbs!

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Please stir have your thyroid checked beforehand you become bald, in good health i don't think you will be a skin person in charge, but its nerve racking adjectives the same. I would freshly stroke my hair softly and tons of quill would be in my mitt. I went to the doctor for something else and told him give or take a few it and sure enough I have hyperthyroidism. anyway i am guessing its a thyroid problem good luck

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Hair loss is pretty adjectives in women next to long,thick or curly spike.Especially when the season changes from winter to spring.
Now if it an excessive amount. I would suggest seeing your doctor hon.Hair loss can be a symptom of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.Bad intake habits or crash diets can explanation hair loss as all right as certain medication or recreational drugs.

Is this a normal symtom?

OK, here are some question you need to ask yourself:

1. Are you taking any hormones, e.g., 'the pill'
2. Are you taking any psycho-active medication e.g., amphetamines, Cymbalta, methylphenidate (a side-effect after post-marketing studies were conducted)
3. Are you wash your hair everyday?
4. Do you use a great deal of chemical treatments in your mane, e.g., straightening, or permanents?
5. Do you use hairstyling products that can destroy the spine shaft. I can relate to this one. Got-2-B-Glued, a cement-type styling gel.
6. Excessive heat styling such as using a hot comb, terracotta flat iron, curling iron and hair dryer every sunshine?
7. What type of shampoo do you use?
8. Do you color treat your hair regularly?
9. Do you have more testosterone than the average feminine. Sometimes, this can result in thinning pelt or certain types of alopecia (scalp fuzz loss)?
10. Do you ingest anything that causes your body to metabolize the substance into dehydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is the #1 quill killer.

If you answer 'Yes' to any of these question, then consider shifting your habits.

Hope this be helpful. For more information on the subject of hair loss contained by women, visit:

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