Help with spell symptoms?

I'm almost 21 and I know most of my symptoms and my question is if you ladies ever bring back dizzy and shaky. I'm also hypoglycemic but I've been nausea for two days and very soon I feel close to I can hardly stand up and really shaky. I due to start but no cramping but. Is this pre period symptoms or something else? I've never have this problem. Any help would be great.

Are you alarmed of dieing with cancer i are?

I've never hear of dizziness being a symptoms of PMS - unless you're really low within iron, which can cause it. If you bleed alot during your spell and don't include alot of meat and/or iron-rich foods in your diet, that could be the cause. Go to your doctor and ask him to check this out. Also, are you drinking satisfactory water? Dehydration can effect dizziness also. Feel better!

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hope u get better

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Nausea could be due to prenancy. I get shaky too but merely after I stimulate myself.

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Your bloodpressure could be slightly lowering and your low on iron at this time as it be for me. My daughter gets nausous and throws-up, and her period were really substantial. We switch birthcontrol pills until she found one that she didn't get nausous symptoms. Make sure you put away healthy during this time and try to thieve additional iron supplements or foods that contain glorious iron content. Try switching to a different birthcontrol pill.

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