how to get a flat tommy?


Weird Discharge?

Did you mean tUmmy?

If you did be set to TOMMY..just maintain saying depressing things until you wear him down. That should net him feel slightly flat.

But seriously... SIT UPS - start with basically a few and work up to at least 30, three times a week.

Unlike the previous answerer who suggested starting beside 50 sit ups - My advice is DON'T start next to 50 sit ups - unless you are very young at heart and very fit! If you are not fit and not babyish, you'll be lucky if you can do more than 5 sit ups at first. That's OK. You will get in attendance in the lapse!

Crunches are excellent - again, work up to them gradually, and other do a warm up (very serene exercises and stretches)

Best tip for exercising? Play your favourite music loudly while you do it. It's the single way I can do sit ups!!

Hold your tummy muscles surrounded by and count to 20. That helps too, and smaller quantity strenuous that sit ups. Do this 6 times a day at lowest possible, alternate days to the sit ups.

Of course the usual things like adjectives down on some foods helps to lose for a while weight - extremely food that makes you bloat. Some race have a slight allergy to enduring foods - eg wheat, and this makes their tummy bulge. I take a little pot belly if I munch through too much sugar - when I stop for a couple of days, it goes down.

If adjectives else fails - do a Bridget Jones and buy some Big Pants from somewhere close to Marks and Spencers. You can also buy tights with a tummy control panel - more subtle than Big Pants. Worth it for special occasion... No-one will ever know!!

Why havn't I had a term without the patch since the eighth level?

Run him over

my 11 yr old daughter have started her period and started getting breasts what age should she see an obgyn?

Absolutely? liposuction and a tummy tuck.

Does a girl bleed greatly when losing virginity?

Use an iron on him

when on a low carbohydrate diet,what amount of carbohydrates should be taken per day for shipment loss?

do ALL abs workout and use weights work out for about 30-45min a hours of daylight GUARANTEE

Do breast exercises really work? how can you naturally increase breast size?

tell tommy to be still while you run him over next to the car

How can some girls squirt when they orgasm?

Squash him similar to a bug!

Do your facial features change?

my stomach is flat and i enjoy been swimming, running, jog and doing situps for about 4 years, and i enjoy also been working out. it's not jammy having a flat stomach. and see the trans fats because almost adjectives of the fat from trans fat go directly onto your tummy.

What is the run of the mill length of time to try to get pregnant until that time I need to call round a doctor for help?

Healthiest route is getting healthy and doing lots of sit ups!! Start beside 50 in the morning and 50 at hours of darkness then leisurely build it up until you have a nice toned flat stomach!! Good Luck!

How come when i determine to find my bra size, it never works..?


How effective are condoms when it comes to preventing pregnancy?

Its get to be, Run him over!

Bleeding after sex but due for period?

run him over beside a steam roller

Has anyone had menstrual-like cramps for weeks within their late 40s?

hiya, try starting beside a few sit ups every night slowly increasing them it works wonders. (tip- survey a little t.v while doing this to stop u getting bored x x

40 ish stipulation to lose 25 lbs asap around stomach. It really looks like a tire and have got to turn?

your tummy has individual muscles that stipulation can do all the conventional tummy crunch and abb things, but i find this one helps. Pull contained by your tummy tight as if some-one is pulling through your t/button then slightly verbs it up and hold, breathe out do this 5/10 times and 3/4 times a day. you can do it anywhere really. aslo if you are doing any gardening or house work use your tummy muscles as the force at the rear the action, but verbs in first.. never use your posterior always use your tummy to heave.. try and feel it work

My girlfriend startedher birth control pill1 light of day late, (this happen a week ago) what should she do?

walk do some sit ups

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