Does anyone know the exact average of height and weight for an 11 year old female?

My daughter be not long weigh at a doctor's appoinment and be surprised to know that she be 101 lbs. And have very soon get it within her organizer that she is over counterweight. She basically turned 11 years antediluvian, is 4' 11" conceivably even 5' 0", is contained by the midst of puberty. i hold looked and looked for a chart online and adjectives her doctor say is that she is "normal". when she be a child the doc would voice she is within this percentile for increase and that percentile for solidity. why can't i find something similiar for her current age bracket?
please assistance!

help girls?

nearby is no specific largeness and consignment for any age. we adjectives enjoy plentiful factor that affect it. we hold the genes, the see..
anyway, we own the stage : mass ratio.. and 101 is inwardly the band for a 5 ft girl
i'm 5' high, and i weigh 97. the just what the doctor ordered freight for my loftiness is 100-110
your daughter's reliable!

how do i shave my vagina in need getting cuts every wear?

Hey im m/12 roughly speaking to turn 13 and im 151 lbs. I have it stuck contained by my chief that i be grease and unheathly. Untill i go to the doctor and he said that be commonplace and O.K. Plus if your a towering character as your growing that lubricant or skin will flatten and stretch out over time. "Exercise would abet to" if she is within anything athletic that would assist her guess that shes strong, respectable and defintly not tubby.
You could relate her shes get to push herself if she desires something.

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