breasts VERY sore before and during period?

i am 19 and lately i notice my breasts foreboding very sore and tender the week formerly my period and the first couple days into my time of year. breast cancer runs in my family unit (my grandma and aunt died from it) so i know it is important for me to check regularly and impulsive on in life). do any other females gain sore breasts the week before or during their length? i mean, they are both too sore to lay on my stomach. any thoughts?


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Yes every month my period comes they grasp tender and hurt.. Its runs in my line too my mom and her sisters have they same entity, but its always devout to have a breast theory test done to be on the safe side

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tender breasts are normal during faultless parts of your cycle.

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I obtain the same exact item. I dont even think of sleeping on my tummy or going anywhere lacking a bra. it really does hurt and gets ultra sensitive and tender. It's typical, my mom gets it too. I hold friends who only experience horrible spinal column pain. I guess it's only just the body telling you you're just about to get you're extent. It's pretty common i would right to be heard. And no cancer does not run in my clan or My friend's.

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Lots and lots of us get sore at many times of the month.
What works for me is taking an evening primrose supplement every day rather a strong one and then i don't enjoy it or only a short time. I also find it helps my PMS as very well.
Theres an old wives fairy-tale that cabbage leaves in the bra work really in good health, and some of my friends swear by it but ive never tried it.

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yes its sure okay
don't verbs about it
but still stir to you GYN and ask her to teach you how to do a self exam to know if within is any thing going on, and do it every shower or every week you would carry to know your body more and notice any change in it but permit the DOC check you for the first time and you check your self from thereby! but don't worry more or less it ! its really normal !!

Women's thoughts on the mannish anatomy?

Get used to it. Hot/cold showers will do the trick. After you have your children and breastfeed you will still enjoy to deal beside being a woman. It is without a flaw natural. This is what we travel though.

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Yes, it happen. Sorness and tenderness can crop up during and before mestruation. Contact me for a method that help me, but it is not apprpriate to post.some may take it extremely wrong; and I do not want that. I want to know how to give you proposal that can help you in need things being taken out of context.

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