When can i do sit ups or workout again?

i had my son 4 wks ago and i am wishing for to going back to working out. everyone say that i will easily bounce put money on but when i gave birth to him it only just left a huge pudge of cooking oil. theres stretch marks within. but im not too worried about those. i know they may move about away with time, but that margarine makes me look preggo still and its embaressing.. when is it a great time to excersize in need hurting myself??


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Before anybody answers this sound out and you hurt yourself. CALL YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE DOING ANY EXERCISES! They normally read out you can do mild exercise after 4 wks and you can get stern into your normal routine in 6 wks but that depends on YOUR body and what your DOCTOR recommend. Congratulations on the new one!!

Abnormal spotting and pains?

First of adjectives ask your doctor. Second of all how do you perceive, do you feel prepared to get at it? Third of adjectives, try out your local YMCA they usually have classes for spanking new mothers and mothers to be where you incorp. your newborn into your exersize routine at a unprejudiced rate. (Don't forget they do subsidies for low income so there is no excuse).

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