Severe stomach pain after sex?

Can anyone tell what why after sex here lately I hold been experience discouraging stomach pain, hurts contained by my side, shooting pains around bellybutton into my back, it have done this several times after having sex, what is it and what cause it??

boob hair?

Well I suspect you could enjoy a bacterial infection which has traveled to your urinary system and have now begin to affect your kidneys which is giving you the shooting pains in your necessitate to go to the doc ASAP and own a urine test to confirm your infection.Do not own unprotected sex until its cleared up.

What's wrong with me?

that sounds approaching a question for your doctor, not family on yahoo, sounds like it could be severe, i would enjoy that checked out

Why am I not sleeping :(?

sorry to be blunt
sex too rough causes these pains

am i pregnant?

go carry a pelvic exam you might be pregnant because that's what happend to me and i'm 4 months a test did not show up you might wanna procure checked out

Have you experienced and side effects from skipping the placebos in the birth control pill pack?

You need to stop by a doctor. Sounds like gas backache. Are you male or feminine. Could be a sign of hormonal imbalance too. But call in a doctor immediately.

Which sleeping pill is the best?

Not to panic you but some STD's can cause these symptoms. But, I am guessing yours is probably from nouns being pushed into you during penatration that cause trapped gas.
If you keep have problems with this I would dance to the OBGYN to have an exam.

How do you draw from rid of those little bumps after waxing?

Try Cordyseps and ganoderma lucidium mushroom, they are call "best friends" of females in herbal medicine.
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