Omg relief!?

so this morning, i was in the bathroom and i looked and i saw clear stuff dripping down from my vagina! i own no idea whats wrong! i have never have sex. please help me! what is wrong?

Deoderant HELP!! wats a accurate one?

It's probably discharge - nothing to verbs about every women gets it! Discharge is your vagina's fluent way of cleaning itself. Were you thinking about something sexy? because that can also create wetness.

Have you started your periods yet? If not discharge is a sign that you will probably achieve your period within the subsequent couple of years.

Don't worry about it :-)

I want to loose nearly 20-30 lbs by running next to my dog.?

It may be nil. You may have been aroused surrounded by your sleep, causing your body to lubricate a great deal.

If this individual happens once in awhile, don't verbs about it.

If the discharge happens regularly, is coloured or smells defectively, then see a doctor immediately.

Bloating? How grasp rid of it?

don't verbs honey it is normal discharge, if you have not have a period then it is only just your body preparing to start them as you have not had sex it is zilch to be concerned about

Is this a spell?

your totally fine! that is call discharge. every woman gets it. your have it for 6 months to a year back you start your first period. congrats your almost there!

Depo Question?

This is completely commonplace! It is called discharge and id at hand to clean your vagina. It also means that you will win your period anywhere from 6 months to a few years good luck!

Ovarian CYSTS?

you want to visit your doctor if this persists!! clear fluid might indicate a slight infection who know it may not be anything 2 worry about!!

Can you own PCOS at 16?

its purely discharge, normal.
or u cood be peeing standing up.

if it gooey then its dischatge if it have yellowish color talk 2 a doc.

Is this true just about guys penises?

Dont worry.
I seize that sometimes, its completely normal!
whether you've had sex or not.

Has anyone taken YAZ BIRTH CONTROL and notice that their boobs get bigger? How in the region of helping near acne?

you may own an infection (see a doctor if you are worried) or could be discharge :-)


that can happen before a time of year during ovulation time

Ovarian cysts?

it depends if you got your period its probably a moment ago discharge
dont be woried!
hope this helpsss:-)

Forced to hold sex?

it's probably just normal discharge. it happen to a lot of people save everyone!

How successful is bc while taking antibiotics ?

calm down its not sperm its just discharge be a pad just incase

Period request for information?

it could in recent times be discharge. Wear a pantyliner.

After a Total Abd. Hysterectomy, Do I still call for to see my GYN once a year for an exam? I know I asked but?

that was your own stuff not semen. u will be ok

Exceptionally big libido query.?

How long does it bring to treat after you grasp surgery for an abortion?
What help growth?im a young person and im a lacto-vegetarian.?
What should I do?
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