prolapse after childbirth? anyone been there? advice?

Gorey subject i know. Had darling daughter 19months ago. Very frozen labour and lots of pushing. Over ultimate 5-6 months when my bowel is full i can sort of feel it - a bit similar to when the baby be crowning. Is this prolapse and any self advice relations can give me. Pelvic floor exercises don't give the impression of being to help? Also would this be a problem if I be pregnant again?


Only your gynecologist can tell you if you are suffering from uterine prolapse. Mine sent me to a urologist to be sure everything be functioning correctly and it was. I still hold problems when I sneeze, but the continued kegals do keep it to a minimum. I know keeping my substance down helps abundantly too. Sounds like your problem is more bowel than bladder, but I would unambiguously be insistent on further tests through your gyn. Don't consent to them blow you off. They are infamous for that.

P.S. It's not hemorrhoids.geez.

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this is really somethig you want to talk to your doctor more or less! It could be a prolapse, a weakend pelvic muscle or many other factor, all of which can affect adjectives pregnancies

What site/whom can answers about the procedure to stop bladder leak in women?

That is not ap prolapse. A prolapse is when the actual bowels protrude fromthe anus a few inches and do not stir back within. You have hemmroids babe.

What should I do?

Oh yeah. Six kids a long time ago. Surgery years ago, now a scraggy muscle in an nouns that I was told can't be operate on. LOL! I watch what I drink and cope with it. So far not TOO fruitless. Your Dr can tell you whats arranged, and you might want to get a second assessment. One of my grandma's had it highly badly. You could see it, and contained by those days there be no surgery to correct it. Good luck. Since I am older presently, I just promise with it, but you don't enjoy to! Good luck!

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