girlys only?

hello. im 13 and i havent gotten my period drizzly but after i go to the bathroom i other feel drizzling when i come out. and i wipe good and everything.and after a time my underwear smells weird.approaching weird.haha.all right anyways, has this ever happen to any of you?

Posterior cervix, what does it mean?

honey, yes, it is call disharge. It still happens to me. Even tho I hold had my preoid already. That scheme you are becoming a woman, and your body is trying to clean out. I wouldn't rush things tho, of late think you hold gotten 3 more year then i did lacking peroids so you ought to be happy. don't verbs about it , merely tell you mom you requirement panty liners.

How long after a miscarriage do you start your interval?

visit a doctor

hot flashes?


What is like to for your first round of birth control be approaching?

no srry

Period Probs??

Yes like a few weeks until that time my pieriod comes.. i wear a panti linner untill it goes away or my pieriod comes!!

After giving birth when will your menstral cycle be everyday again?

ya is it slimy ya i am 13 and i have my interval ya i take a perfect shower and and wipe my self really good and some times it smells 2
ably here is away u know if have Ur length if u really have desperate cramps
ya i stared mine last October and i have really bad cramps i have it in mind they hurt really bad!!
if u want 2 chitchat just e e-mail me at
[email protected]
u can talk 2 me today
my term is Cara

I have a womans put somebody through the mill, new to sex?

yes its don't worry.this happen to me too, and when i went to the doctors 4 my physical i explained it to my doctor.she said it be vaginal discharge.and to not worry in the region of it..if u feel mortified try using panty liners

What is wrong>?

First you call for to distinguish some things..

What you are having is feasible discharge..

Does the discharge (thing that is making your underwear smell) own a color? If it is green or any weird color save for clear or yellow, you might want to report your mother.

Is the discharge even visible.. if it is, find out what it looks resembling. Most women have a clear, jelly-like discharge up to that time their period. If it is foamy, later tell your mother.

If it is clear/yellow & smells different but not BAD later you should be fine. Anything else that doesn't seem right should be handle by a doctor!!

Good luck!!

xx anna

Laser hair removal?!?

It is call discharge, every female get this after a certain age (puberty), your vagina is self-cleaning, and discharge is how your vagina pushes out excess germs or dirt from your vagina to keep it strong, it also helps save the walls of your vagina moist so it does not split. This is also why you only ever involve to use water to wipe up your vagina and vulva; anything else such as soap is actually desperate for your vaginal health as it affects vaginal PH making it easier for yeast and germs to grow out of control.

You bring different types of discharge and different amounts throughout your menstrual cycle; you also get other fluids departing your body such as cervical mucus and lubrication. Cervical mucus is a fluid produced by your body to help preserve sperm alive and help it conquer the egg; your body makes this around the time you ovulate. Lubrication is one of the ways your vagina prepares itself for permeation, it occurs when you are aroused so you carry it a lot within your teens as you start to get more interested in sex.

Your vagina is supposed to enjoy discharge and it is supposed to smell, like a vagina, as long as you hang on to yourself clean by using river to clean and using your paw to wipe yourself, and as long as you have fitting hygiene other ways such as by wiping from the front to the stern when you are on the toilet, avoiding things like tampons or tight clothing that can impose infections, then you are fine.

Sometimes even if you are really verbs you may get an infection, you can describe it is an infection because the discharge changes how it looks and feel, you will also often see the discharge smelling bad – you will singular ever smell bad if you hold an infection – if you do ever think you hold an infection it is best to see a doctor to find out for sure and get it treated.

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