I know this is gross but i need to know why..?

I am having vaginal irritation, it itches and i dont know why, i own never had sex and i am not moving in oodles ways, only one human being, my boyfriend, has ever touched me. I am tremendously carefulll in public restrooms in the order of cleanlyness. I wash my hand often. What could be cause this irritation?And how do i go in the region of fixing it without have to see a doctor? Anyone have a similar problem that htey own solved? I need direction.

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It may be yeast infection, UTI, or a bladder infection, though I doubt it. You NEED to see a doctor, don't go skimping out when it comes to this, ok?

Take strictness of your body, it will only carry worse if you don't get medication. If nought else, buy a yeast kit, and I recommend the three-dayer since you've have it for awhile.

girls please help?

I may be a guy but it sounds approaching a yeast infection to me, go get hold of some stuff from the drug store for it.

Ladies? This is kind of embarassing?

have you lately taken an antibiotic? you may have a yeast infection or if you enjoy shaved your bikini area you could hold irritation. see your dr. if you have any discharge explicitly unusual.

Can I have sex?

Probably a yeast infection. Go to the DR.


it could be something as simple as using a unmarked soap that is bothering your skin.

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Lots of things could be the effect. Is he always verbs when he touchs you? Go to the doctors silly find out for sure what is going on.

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buy vagisil. sounds similar to a yeast infection, do u have discharge, smelly? possibly it come from wearing jeans too small for ya. wear the correct sz pants, missy. also make over your undies often if ur not doing that already. also it could come from wearing duplicate pads for too long, adjectives day. swing those too, miss thang.

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Those of us who are not doctors can simply guess. I would suggest you see a doctor and nip this problem in the hasty stages, before it become something serious.

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well first of explicitly so GROSS! but i understand you and it might AN infectIion and you only have to see the doctor 4 TRUE!

Why do people niggardly to say when the write approaching this *?

It could be a yeast infection~it happens sometimes. Go to the drugstore and take some Monistat or something like it. It's not a huge business, part of life span sometimes. Good luck.

My bf complains that I am too wet while have sex and he can't feel me?

I simply saw your question and thought of something that I enjoy heard of. Check around for Vagasil. I expect that will help. Call a pharmacist also. They are paying special attention with stuff resembling that.

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You need to see a gyno because you could hold a yeast infection which is not caused by sex or cleanliness. YOu can get hold of it from wearing tight clothing ie pantyhose where moisture can build up and effect the yeast to grow. You can always try an anti itch over the counter cream close to vagisil

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you enjoy a yeast infection.it's not a sexually transmitted condition.there are over the counter creams to hold care of that.I don`t know you got it from a dirty swimming pool,or something innocent approaching that.nothing to be ashamed of.you enjoy to treat it before you can take over it.time will not heal that.

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it sounds resembling you have a yeast infection adjectives women get them its zero you did just personality you can go to the drugstore and find vagisil wipes for the itching and irratation and monistat 3 or 7 follow directions and use till adjectives gone no matter how you quality and do not have any contact next to anyone till this goes away the monistat 3 is for minor to moderate infections and monistat 7 is for severe infections you hold to decide which is better for you

For women on the depo shot or enjoy been on it !?

sounds close to a yeast infection to me there are over the counter meds you can use to clear it up and one piece i do know for sure is the tighter your pants the better your chance of getting a yeast infection you can dance to your local health dept. seize a exam and know for sure good luck

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Hi, you could possibly have a vaginal infection such as thrush commonly know as a yeast infection. You can get hold of this without sexual intercourse, it can transpire due to changes surrounded by the normal vaginal flora during menstruation. It could also possibly be due to any hygiene products you are using such as soaps or sprays, and also possibly the fabric your underwear is made of. I know you don't want to go to your doctor it is an crushing topic but i can assure you that you wouldn't be saying anything to the doctor they haven't hear a thousand times before. If it would net you more comfortable you could ask to talk to a womanly doctor or nurse, it usually makes it easier when your discussing your problems next to another female who understand where your coming from.

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If it's yeast infection, you can buy cream at the drug store. I don't remember what it's called, but, it supposed to work resourcefully. Ask the pharmacist. It's not expensive. stay away from daily product and drink dampen (and cranberry juice contained by case you own urinary tract infection. Don't wear tight jeans. If it continues, see a doctor.

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It sounds like a yeast infection. Go to the doctor to acquire it checked out.

What bra size?GIRLS ONLY?

metronidazole or flagyl it clears infections up.

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See your doctor!

Is it possible for a girl.?

if it is itching and have a sort of sweet "bread" smell it is a yeast infection. if it is itching and has a flishy or fruitless smell it is a bacterial infection (like bacterial vanginosis). it doesnt matter how verbs you are or who youre having sex next to, it is all more or less your body's chemistry. you should do like everyone here said and be in motion see a doctor.

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go see a doctor

Help please! Doctors?

It's probably just a simple yeast infection, which you can bring from taking antibiotics, since they destroy the angelic bacteria as very well as the bad ones. There are several important remedies for yeast infections you can get contained by the drugstore. I think Monostat is one of them. Check beside a pharmacist. If the problem continues, you really should see a doctor. There is another vaginal infection called trichomonas vaginitis which is also pretty common, and that you can seize without have sex. These infections are not real serious, but they do motive a lot of discomfort. Get some backing to clear them up.

what is the feeling that you seize if you a women an a guy rubs your back or sits on you an rubs your posterior ?

It sounds like you hold a yeast infection you can get monostate over the counter jest follow the directions.

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There are many things that can make happen irritation
Wet swim suit
laundry soaps and things used to launder clothing
new soap surrounded by the shower or new shower gel
nylon underwear
exposure to fecal material
abundant things can make you itch.
You should see a doctor to be paid sure it is nothing serious and you may have need of meds to clear it up.

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it could be as simply as a untried soap as someone suggested above.. but don't forget about laundry soap, or cloth softener..
Jeans could be too tight, not allowing enough nouns to circulate there.. and as silly as that may nouns, trust me on this one.
Also, if you're intake of sugar is too high, that will also do this.

I agree with the ones that enjoy said that your boyfriends hands best be verbs before he touches you..

and yes, speak to a doctor about this. OB/GYN please.. and if the doctor's feminine, she'll at least think through!

Check this site out <smiles>: http://www.fwhc.org/health/moon.htm

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