Almost 2 years after c-section...?

I give birth to my toddler almost two years ago. The incision is not gone (like I hear from other women). The gyno told me it was a keloid (spelling?). That is not the problem. After I have the c-section I was inept to sleep on my side for a while because of sharp pulling sensation on my two sides . Now, after almost two years I still feel this exact same affliction sometimes. I also have impossible to tell apart feeling of discomfort around the nouns as I did after the c-section when I empty my bladder. I told my doctor just about it but she did not really think it be a problem. I am also having trouble concieving although I become pregnant within one month for the first babe-in-arms. I will go to the docotor again to ask her in the region of any problems that are causing our inability to enjoy another baby. I am not totally glad with her but she sends me to this soaring risk pregnancy group that I absolutely love and trust. Any thinking about what could be cause this pain?

I can't filch Advil. Is there anything else?

audacity entrapment is one idea but also plain ole adhesion's spindle resembling scar tissue some individuals develop but also caused from the cautery they use during surgery to stop little bleeds, if you keloid than you most potential develop adhesion's also for the scar you can own them inject some steroids to flatten out the scar for the adhesion they can laparoscopically remove them but this isn't totally successful for long term as they return slickly and the surgery to remove them can cause more, when you seize pregnancy again and repeat c/section they will remove them, consecutive c/sec always cart longer as a majority of women have them and don't even know it.

Does anyone know how to seize rid of..?

If it were smaller number than 2 years I would say infection, but since it's be so long my educated guess (I'm an OB/GYN nurse) would utter it is just a unbelievably sensitive scar or at the extreme winding up it could be nerve entrapment where on earth scar tissue forms around soothing nerves and basically "strangles" them. You own to remember that with a C-section the cut go from your outer skin through your uterus so there can potentially be profusely of scar tissue that forms. I would bring up sassiness entrapement at your next appointment and see what they enunciate. This should more than likely not be interfering near becomming pregnant again... every pregnancy is different and can take much different time to conceive child to child. Hope this help!

Are you suppose to lower abdominal pain after masterbating?

Some doctors blow stuff bad when there is a problem. Get to a couple doctors and interview them. Do not ask them for a diagnosis at the interview or you will be charged. Just ask question to see if you feel the doctor would listen to you and attempt to solve problems. That is the simply way to be in motion. Get a new doctor.

Height after puberty?

Everyone else have given you what I think are devout answers about the problem next to your scar.

Unfortunately, cesareans also pass the risk of secondary infertility. Should you attain pregnant again, you will want to seek a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) next to your future pregnancies contained by order to minimize the risk of complications adjectives cesareans will bring to your future pregnancies. Many doctors are greatly hesitant to attend VBACs because they tend to be slack by inducing and using other interventions that increase the risks, and are therefore justifiably risky, so most doctors will try to talk you out of a VBAC. For this basis, you will want to find a doctor or midwife that is supportive of your plans.

It's also massively important that you follow your gut next to respect to your doctor and find someone you trust and that can give you answers to your question.

The best way to find a VBAC-friendly midwife or doctor is by going to . Click on "Community" and next "Local Chapters" and search for a chapter contained by your state.

You can also join ICAN for support and warning at .

Best of luck trying to conceive!

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