Does anyone have embarrassing period stories? (mine is bad I need to feel better)?

but I have to budge to the bathroom during my class and so I go to the bathroom and found out I have started my time of year. Well I didn't own any pad so I get toilet composition and go to communicate my guru. I thought if i in recent times said I have to dance to the nurse she would agree to me, but she have to come and I have to explain to her I needed a wipe. she yell at me aphorism i needed to save track of them. similar to 50 associates hear her screech at me! and consequently the exceedingly subsequent daytime my wad leak and my friend told me and give me her sweater. i call my dad (my mom wasnt home) to bring me pant. let newly voice I go home crying.

Umm? grotesque point surrounded by my vagina?

lol ... don't perceive doomed to failure ...
i have to do the toilet thesis piece once and it fell out on the floor at my friends house and she couldn't digit out what it be! i be yound and too embarassed to confess where on earth it come from!!

I'm 15, beside extraordinarily fatty mentstrual cycles, not sure if the pill will aid.?

Wow ur tutor requirements to be more considerate, no i dont really own any stories. Good luck though.
P.S. Type it within contained by google or yahoo, nearby are some online.


I am so sorry that she did that to you. I enjoy have to use toilet quality newspaper lately and I'm surrounded by my 30's. It happen. You a short time ago do what you own to do until you can get hold of what you necessitate. Thank integrity you didn't report to her that contained by class or everyone surrounded by your class would own set.

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omg psyche murder that mentor dang beckon a attorney lol anyway really sorry in the order of that full piece sounds doomed to failure but I do own a pretty embarising story but just about my freind not me... my freind be have a birthday carnival a and my best freind who have started a year earlier but have stared using tampons a month earlier be wearing a tampon at the time so anyway she be taking it out and the girls brother who the tamp girl be totally within luv next to walk within and stared for resembling 5 sec and later yelp and slammed the door she wouldnt stop crying and im guessing it looked doomed to failure since she stands next to one foot on the form and her appendage be holding the strind lol in good health hope it help

I hold my interval but.?

tampons are soooo much better than pads

sorry I don't really enjoy any stories approaching that. I hold on to extra tampons within my saloon, my backpack, everywhere

What are adjectives the possibilities?

This is a raw point,and everybody know that it happen to ever girl,ever month.Your trainer be so wrong,you should share your parents what happen.Let them concord near her.Now quit thought so flushed.You did nil wrong,anybody who make fun of you is hugely young fool,and treat them that course.Next month be sure to hold what you have need of.Carry a bigger mitt pack and run pad next to you.Change regularly if you hold a strapping flow. Now, hugs to you.Please don't cry.

Will it still hurt when i own sex?

ohh yesss.. ok powerfully within middle academy when we have gym i didnt know my term be comming!! i wore white caprise! my extent come out close to a rocket adjectives over my pant... and i have 2 metamorphosis for gym class.. it be soo embaressing

IS it fruitless?

yes. once i be at a pool celebration beside adjectives my friends. i didnt give attention to i would start wreak it be a week and a partly b4 i be due. powerfully i started and i interest blood coming, i freaked out, and started scrape my foot on the bottom of the pool as thorny as i could till it started bleeding, consequently i yell "ow" and said i have be hurt, the lifegard get everyone out the pool and i run to the bathroom and put on a tampon. the time gard get me a bandaid (still enjoy a scar) and everyone get subsidise within the pool. it be better to hurt my foot than for 50 individuals to know i a moment ago started my term surrounded by indistinguishable marine in attendance swimming in.

Please read this!?

OMG urs is route better than mine we be on a pen trip to the zoo and i have started my extent the daylight formerly. so we be within and i never have a casual to step to the bathroom! and worst of adjectives on the bus i have to sit beside a mentor and my friend and be 14 so yeah. and when we get spinal column we be sitting on the bleachers waiting for them to release us to the buses so i be on the bus on my route home . and i feel so dirty! close to ughh! and im other resembling the first ones of the bus so . i sit subsequent practical alot of population . so when i walk home i finally put on my rear pack. and i go to the restroom and saw that the blood have gone trough!!! . the subsequent daytime i saw my friend and told her and she said that some girls be conversation almost it but a short time ago girls they didnt envolve the guys! i in a minute that when contained by ure days u can be immensely moody and upset but ull screech sometime around this

I enjoy annoying bleeding on implanon!?

I'm 12 and in actuality started my first time 2 days ago. I go to the bathroom and I saw blood on my panties. I've have "The Talk" near my mom so I know what be stirring, but still I be close to "...-_-' dammit..." I spent 2 days using the infamous "toilet thesis pad" because my mom uses tampons and I'm alarmed of getting TSS. I also spent that time on the internet trying to find out how to notify my mom. Today I contracted to only just be forward going on for it... that be probably a mistake. Immediatly she started crying and dictum things approaching "aww.. my newborn is a woman immediately." and "I'm so proud of you" after releasing myself from her hug of annihilation I run up to my room. She followed... apparently not taking the connotation and started asking me question resembling "how big's the flow?" "do you prefer pad or tampons" "do you want something to chomp through?" I shooed her away question unreciprocated. She come hindmost an hour subsequently next to next to every size brand and style likely of both pad and tampons a backpack of candy and a few movies. I stared at her for a while until she give me the loads and whip out her cell phone proceding to give the name everyone surrounded by her phone book... including Larosas and some awesome chinese appropriate out place that the dub escapes me at the moment. I couldn't even move... I couldn't stop her adjectives I could do be stand in attendance mouth agap and utterly shocked. Eventually when the shock be over and she be almost finished calling everyone she know I grab the phone out of her appendage mid-call and threw it at the wall. I yell at her for a bit... and shoved her out of my room where on earth I presently sit recounting you guys of my awful experience... and intake candy.

New Birth Control or Anti Depressent?

I be at a sleepover for one of my friendsand within be similar to 12 other girls in attendance.I forgot my PJ pant,so my friends mom permit me barrow a duo of hers.Well,we go to sleep and i be the ending one up. When i get up the first entry i did be dance to the tub room and guess what...I have started my spell during the hours of darkness!! I didn`t own a wad and my friends mom pant have blood adjectives over the vertebrae and they be WHITE!!
So I put some tissue broadsheet surrounded by my undies and changed into my clothes for the morning.I put her moms pant within the landry and didn`t hear anything else in the region of it untill something like a week after that at arts school of adjectives places! The girl that be my friend have gotten silly and told Everyone that i have started my time of year at her sleep over. I be so feeling shame! **I wasn`t supposed to start for another week**

Dose it hurt when a girl losses her viginity?

well i was still different to the integral term entity. so usually if i be still on it when i would wipe myself and it be bloody but that morning i go to the bathroom to pee as usual and the tissue be verbs (ya know similar to besides the pee) so i thought that since i have already be on it for 5 days i be done. FINALLY get to where on earth white. so i put on my cute white mini skirt and a red top and go to the precinct next to my cousin. i feel totally fine i didnt surface drizzly or anything jus walkin around trying on clothes intake soft pretzels and have fun. so next my cousin have to walk to the bathroom and i arranged to run too so i wouldnt hold to be in motion after that. i go and boy be i suprised i have blood adjectives over my white undies and my upper legs agree almost GROSS very soon even if i a really 100% sure that its over i still wear a pantyliner :P
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