What would cause me to bleed two weeks before period?

I know this is a gross topic! However, I'm starting to get worried and past I run hysterically into the hospital or dr's office, I needed to get other's direction. So, here it goes ... I have my period around the 15th of second month, it lasted for 5 days. I've be doing tae-bo advanced for the past two months, and I stopped doing it while on spell. I waited two days after menustration have stopped and continued with the workout program. On April 3rd , I started spotting, I thought I be just getting my term way impulsive ... but it hasn't stopped and the flow hasn't got any heavier. It be light pink at first but have turned into a bright red. I'm still bleeding with no signs of stopping, so I be just wondering if I might enjoy strained my body by doing the work out program or if it could be something else/and what? I've taken a pregnancy test, even though I know it's still probably instrument to soon to detect. It turned out negative, so what could be the possibilites here?

How soon after conception can u notice symptoms of pregnancy?

You are describing a problem very comon to frequent woman. Two posibilities 1) Your period adjustment 2) You are seen a ovulation deeply heavy
My recomendation is a visit to the medic and perchance a pelvic sonogram to discart other situation

High Insulin Levels?

I had matching problem once and it just go away after about two weeks and i be fine after that so i wouldn't worry too much, but i would see a doctor if you start to lose plentifully of blood or if this persists for more than 2 weeks.

What exactly is Squirting?

I am serious, I would travel get that checked because that does not nouns right! I would serious consider going to the doctor as soon as possible. I don't mean to startle you but it is something that could be controlled and it might be something that wrong going on inside of you. Please just thieve my advice and stir see a doctor. My prayers are with you and I hope zilch is seriously wrong!
May God bless!

strange bump on my vaginal and underarms .?

You need to see a doctor.You stipulation to make sure that you are not anaemic near all that blood loss.

Help me please?

It can be really worrying when your body does something strange. But don't nouns, several things can cause continual bleeding. If you are using contraception your body may enjoy decided it isn't the right one for you, for example I be on the injection then lost some cargo and had ongling bleeding for 4 weeks! I be freaked out but turns out that form of contraception needs plump cells contained by order to be occupied, I was still protected but it cause my period to be irregular and ultimate weeks . Different hormone levels contained by the pill can cause it to and you might have need of to change the brand. If you arn't using contraception it can be a method of controlling this. Do move about and see your doctor but don't stress untill you do because stress can cause this problem too!

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