Can I get pregnant if I had sex after my period say a night after it?


i dont like my bestfriends boyfriend what can i do?

I don't keeping what any so called Dr. says-if your'e screwin' afterwards you can get pregnant. I'm not at adjectives religious but I do think that if God wishes you to get pregnant after you will,regardlesss when it is. Just take precautions back hand girl. Even still,it can & will appear if that's the way it be suppose to turn out.

Is it normal to masturbate excessively?does it tight u have a lofty sex drive if u marry?

unlikely but possible

Vitamin and supplement you cant take together?

not really cos u are born to try

Ovulation predictor kit (OPK)?

Technically no. If you get your interval every 30 days you will probably ovulate at day15, which is the 15th day after the first day of your period.

Bleeding on Seasonale Birth Control?

Yes. it's a possibility.

Anyone geared up for a quickie? Hope this helps! PS Got YA! Let me know what you ruminate. HA HA!?

Yes, you certainly can !

I requirement help doomed to failure!!?

Of course you can. You can pregnant during your period, it's basically not as likely. Those little sperm are resilient guys though. They suspend around and wait for their break for a day or so.

How much does a DNC cost?

Yes, the time of year already released the egg and replaced it with another one. It is possible.

Ortho tri cyclen lo, freight gain?

no you cant. you have to be ovulating.

I realy involve help! Girls solitary?

Unless it was anal sex, in attendance is always a risk.

I miss a week of birth control pills could i be pregnant?

Unlikely unless you ovulated again during your length which can happen.

Is my friend pregnant?


People who don't know how & when they can attain pregnant should NOT be having sex!

You can win pregnant at any time you have sex. During your length? Yes -- while it's rare to ovulate it happen! And you count days from your NEXT period due date, not your finishing period! And the cycle does not instigate with the stop of the bleeding. Women run a continuous cycle and are not always 100% "regular." I can't believe the misinformation you family post on here! No wonder you are all getting pregnant and can't numeral out why!

When your partner wears a condom? Yes! While standing up? Yes! If he pulls out only just before he ejaculate? Yes!

How do I stop myself from constantly needing sex?

No. Normally, you bring back pregnant 12-16 days after the first day of your period.

how can a woman reduce the niggle that she has contained by her sexual contacts?

Yes you can. I did. My beautiful daughter is in a minute 34 years old. My OBGYN said that some women can ovulate twice within a month. I guess I am one of those women!

My vagina hurts?

absolutely, you can get pregnant anytime you hold sex, although during and after your period is the least possible likely time to happen, but it can. So if you don't want to capture pregnant don't have sex.

What are fibroids?

The cycle begin with the appendage of bleeding..the answer is yes.

Ladies any idea???

Yes you can. I believe most women ovulate 2 wks after their term, but I've heard from friends that are trying to obtain pregnant.their doctors have said to try right up to that time and after their period for better probability... so, there really is a possibility anytime of the month.

What are the probability of survival if you have cervical cancer at the age of 62?

Ovulation can be irregular --- a friend of mine get pregnant DURING her period!

Yes, it's possible.

...and within these matters, a possibility is satisfactory for me to take prerequisite precaution!

Periods cause stomach problemssolution?

nope not predictable unless you usually ovulate ryt after your period which is so unlikely,coz it take about 10 days for the egg which have been released to be relax hun..and we adjectives know about the monin after pills...possibly if its not too late you should thieve some.cheers hun

Problem with menstuation?

no and really call for to look at when you are to ovulate.but stranger things have aunt had her tubes tied they said she could never enjoy children after that.guess what she had a moment or two boy 2 yrs to use birth control to be locked or have him use it.

Painful period after tubal ligation?

no you can not as you are only competent to aprox 12 days before you start..once your spell starts, the chance of getting preg is subsequent to non, because the menstration started! Before birth control, women counted the days between periods..but this isn't undamaging especially if you aren't regular. the best bet is to not have an unwanted preg, so any don't take the risks and use birth control or don't do it at adjectives! these days, getting preg would be the least possible of it compaired to AIDS!

I mixed my birth control up and I have be feeling sick, Please Help!?

you can other get pregnant.unless you don't hold sex.

Post-mastectomy lymphedema. Any advice?

Chances are small, but still it can take place. It all depends on your cycle. If you enjoy irregular periods, it can arise that an egg is "released" once your period starts. So, by the time your time of year is over, the egg is ready and waiting as in good health. This one you can check pretty much for sure with the "basal body warmth method".

Could I have Tss?..Girls/Women merely please?

yeah that is a strong possibility, did you hold protected sex?

So, I am thinking of having a breast decrease.?

no you cant up to 14 days

With the hpv virus is common to enjoy pain or burning after sex, even next to protection?

yeh dear it is surely possible,best of luck

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