Bleeding on Seasonale Birth Control?

I am on my last week of Seasonale birth control pills (before the white ones). I own been taking Seasonale for a while and this is the first time I own started bleeding/spotting before the white pills accompany with cramp. Is this normal or is within something else I should be worried about?

I'm concerned give or take a few the condition of my liver, would any problem been detected during hospital stay for labor?

Breakthrough bleeding is pretty adjectives with Seasonale, but if you're really worried, I'd ask your gyno going on for it next time you see them.

What am i suppose to do?

Try inborn birth control methods, (such as NFP) they are extremely effective when done correctly, and don't require you to whip any kinds of toxic artificial hormones. Drug companies and doctors all kind money by hooking women on artificial birth control, so they don't tell you the destructive side effects, and they also try to hide the long possession side effects from the public. NFP is completely natural and as long as you are diligent something like doing it correctly, as effective as most artifical methods. (but doctors don't fashion money by telling you this, so you won't hear it pushed as much) My judgment, try natural methods, your body will thank you.

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