Is it normal to masturbate excessively?does it mean u have a high sex drive if u marry?


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Excessive is a massively generic term. I'm masculine and masturbate about 4 times a week. My wife masturbates something like once every other week. We still enjoy a great sex duration and are intimate around 4 times a week. Sometimes we don't feel close to having sex and will masturbate together or furnish each other sexual favors instead, it newly takes so much smaller number energy after the real piece.

So if you are masturbating more then once a sunshine you might be considered high sex drive, especially if you are also have a decent sex life span with your husband. But unless you're masturbating more afterwards once a day it's quite normal. Masturbation is not a condition problem, just soak up yourself and don't worry around it.

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i guess the answer to your question is how much do you own sex with your husband? when i be first married me and my husband would have sex everyday at lease 2 x a day for the first year some months we would average 100 x a month but after the first year it adjectives went away i remember times when i could step weeks on end beside out sex. so your masturbation could be contibuted to your husband not giving you enough also it could be contributed to your body gettin it more than recurrently now tht your married and very soon its craving something that feels be in motion.but i think it may previous after a while

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Not necessarily. You may just similar to to do that. And it could cause problems when you do find married, cause you are so used to person in control of things.

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if by excessively u parsimonious u get aroused adjectives the time and pleasure yourself then yes it's completely commonplace, married or not many associates have illustrious sex drives & some lower, alot of women around 30 or early 30's realize their sexual peak.if u are married u might want to ask for more intimacy from ur partner if u aren't premonition satisfied, alot of married individuals do it sometimes together- i'd guess i do about 4-5 time a week but im single, and im long as ur joyful and satisfying yourself & it's not cause problems with ur partner u are doing purely fine

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