Why can't I sleep when it's the full moon?


Question Just For Girls (Periods)?

They arn't giving you very nice answers are they! I suffer from equal problem as you. Much to the amusement of my husband and belive me he wouldn't sleep with a werewolf.
The solely thing we own come up with is that it is the buoyant although i'm not sure.
I know its not a very polite answer but at least you know you are not the lone one out there

Outer labia swelling?

Cos your a Lunatic

Two different orgasm?

Maybe you're a Werewolf?

I want to remove the hackle around my private area?

because you're a lunatic.

Will my time of year start soon? Girls only please!?

because you close to the full moon?

ive had my time for 2 weeks, why?

try getting thicker curtains to block out the moonlight

My periods final 8 days to 2 weeks. Is this normal?

Cos' ur a werewolf

I made an apoiment?

the moon's hurricane lantern shine's brightly your eyes can't help but approachable it, to wtch its grace


Buddy , I think , you hold something in that time , mean you remember something every full moon , resembling you meet some one and him gone you , and the first meet or finishing meet when the full moon , and when the full moon come , you remember that
i hope you take to mean me
bye , Murad

HAS ANYONE HAD A COLPOSCOPY DONE? WHAT WERE YOUR RESULTS? What was the treatment, how's your strength now?

Uh . at hand's no special significance to the full moon. It just ability that the moon and the sun are on opposite sides of the floor, so the moon is almost completely lit up as seen from the land. the only difference is more bedside light in the sky at hours of darkness. If that bothers you, quit sleeping outside with your pet dogs.

Is this ordinary?

You might like to stop watching horror <vampire & werewolf> movies dal. Starting to affect your mind.

Painful Sex?

you must be crazy

Is it because of the need of?

normally when its the full moon, menstrsaton is abut to start and when ur body is getting ready for it ur idea on heat that why u cant sleep

Please backing me?

Maybe you should close your curtains if the light from the moon is too bright for you to sleep! Naw, here is documented evidence that people are artificial by the moon's cycle, and women particularly as we enjoy the menstrual cycle messing us up from the inside anyway. It's funny that people enjoy called you a lunatic cos obviously that's why they called society that who were displaying practice that was against the norm - they be deemed to be artificial by the lunar activity of the moon and so be thrown in the 'loony bin'. So, sleep deprivation ain't so discouraging when you consider the alternative! Try hot milk and honey and destress yourself before bed time to ensure a fitful's darkness's rest.

Does anyone know what epithelial cell abnormality squamous means?

You are any a werewolf (as every else says) or you have an over-active imagination and view too many horror movies and are startled to death that something might crop up if you fall asleep

By every after lunchtime when i urinate the color is coudy what could this mean?

because your a warewolf

What is the best process to get rid of time cramps?

cos u are a werwolf

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well i am same i put it down to moods etc the moon change how moods if you ask some 1 who works in a mental hospital they will speak about you everybody there change when they is a full moon

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I don't know the exact significance of the full moon however i do belive that it can alters associates moods and feelings.. I work near kids and during a full moon they are all crazy hyper and nut. It is strange and i don't read it but maybe you enjoy some weird intermingle to the moon...I hope you manage to carry some sleep the rest of the month

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