Question Just For Girls (Periods)?

Do Periods Hurt? Plz Give me a scale on a 1 to 10. 10 axiom it really hurts

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It depends on the girl and the location of the pain. Mine are collectively about a 4-6 and generalized throughout my tummy and lower body. My friend doesn't usually get cramp, but when she does, she can barely move. That would conspicuously be a 12 for her. As I said, it depends on the girl mostly. Different women have different physiologies.

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My periods concluding 8 days to 2 weeks. Is this normal?

ok 9.5

What's the average immensity?

um why would you want to know?

Girls only : What category of pads should I wear?

55..they hurt approaching f*!!! i have cramps right presently, and i have be wincing within pain ALL DAY

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22 because it doesn't hurt herselves only ...but their honeys .

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the period itself doesn't, but cramping is in the region of a 6 for me.
and I get nausea and headache too. thats about a four.
so I guess, I am at a immaculate 10! lol

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3. i be blessed, i only hold it for like 2 days and i am not taking those meds or anything and no cramps. my friend's last for 8days and i always be aware of for her.

Girls help?!?!?

The time of year itself dosent hurt, but the cramps really hurt!

my friend think that milk is within womans breast even when they're not pregnant.a?

i wouldent say they really hurt, 6 at the most

pressure surrounded by lower tummy. ovaries kinda hurt as well as my hindmost. i have hpv. is this cervical cancer?

6 but not every month..only swallow two panadols and take an hour doze and it's taken care of..

When can I start using tampons instead of pad?

I've had cramps so unpromising I actually passed out from the headache.I didn't even do that during labor.

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I've tried the womanly pee standing technique and it doesn't work, is there any other bearing?

yeah it hurts. but my pain level tends to change every month. some months i cant stand up strait, others im perfectly fine

I pressed on my breasts and milk come out but I haven't missed any periods what is the make happen of my lactation?

it varies for respectively girl. depends if they get cramps or capture sick when their on their cycle those who dont get cramps are lucky.. sometimes mine are soo doomed to failure like an 9.8

What could this be?


whats the longest amount of time you missed your time due to stress?can depression delay your time?

As the first commentor put it. definitely an 11. Its different for every girl though. Example: I suffered beside dysmenorreah(painful period) and a 7day period. My sister only have minor cramps on a 3day period.

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