Does anyone know what epithelial cell abnormality squamous means?

I just be diagnosed with this today from my Dr. She simply said not to worry, but I would enjoy to come back every three months for another pap smear.

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It means that you own some abnormal cell on your cervix. They routinely repeat pap's every 3 months to keep an eye on the cell and to determine if any treatment is warranted. Don't verbs,this is a common problem for women and recurrently means nil. It's good you be in motion for regular check-ups,keep it up,and do return as the doctor instructed you.

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what that means is that you own some pre-carcinoma cells that at this point are benign. but do not stress over this because the pap smear every 3 months is newly a prophylaxis
to make sure that you stay like peas in a pod. she wants to maintain a close eye on you to make sure that your condition does not progress. this does not show that you have adjectives.
if you are still worried then contribute her a call and she will do a phone consultation next to you to explain things in depth. but at this point, like i said, in attendance is no reason for concern.
i want to need you the very best of luck and may God hold on to you healthy and secure, happy....

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Don't stress is easy to articulate, but when this happened to me I freaked. Squamous cell are flat cells which form the surface of an epithelium (the most superficial division of body cavities). Basically, that means yours are fascinatingly shaped and most often are connected to pre-cancerous cells. Your doctor will hang on to a watchful eye to see if the cell continue to redeploy. She may even over the course of a few months have a biopsy taken to carry a closer look at those cells. Also the trellis, is a great source of information and you can research so you can ask your doctor questions on your subsequent visit.

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